I am being harassed by an Answers User!!!? Blocking did not work. How do I get rid of this fool?

The user is "Intension Juxtaposed." I answered a question he posted: I thought it was a serious question, but apparently not!

I have told him twice to leave me alone, but he keeps emailing.

I have blocked him, but that does not work apparently.

I have contacted Yahoo Answers for help, but no results there either.

Anyone know how to get this creep out of my email box without keeping all users from being able to email me? I have written to others of you (and received emails from you) and they have continued the helping process.

This guy is just a www stalker.


Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-09-28T07:41:24Z

Favorite Answer

Forward the ENTIRE email to y_answrs_team@yahoo.com, explaining what is happening (the missing 'e' is deliberate). They will do something eventually. In the meantime, turn off your email from YA temporarily and ride it out. After a while, he/she may get bored or be "yanked".


This girl is lying. Intension Juxtaposed is not harassing her. Intension e-mailed her to comment on an answer she left. She apparently took offense to Intensions opinion and insulted Intension. Intension then e-mailed and advised her to relax because it was just an opinion that was shared with her and to have a nice day. BUT the she kept e-mailing Intension with insulting comments and thus she is the one harassing, not Intension. This is a perfect example of how opinion (chris-at-lucas) can become truth if she can convince enough people to agree with her (provided they don't get both sides of the story)

HEY CHRIS!! Check out these answers at this link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Am0a2lxoy8LthUzogjwnbXnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20070928133241AAZ02R1


Put him on your block list see under email account menu list, hit the spam button. Remove your email address, keep the IM until he hassles you that way.


Keep your profile in private, and contact yahoo answers. Hopefully, he will stop


Isn't the email option in Yahoo Answers an OPTION? Turn it off.

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