How many times can a person postpone a case in small claims court? I am suppose to go to court in Oct. (again)

Last month I also had a court date, but the defendant had it postponed b/c he had to work. The only day court is held is on a day that he works. How many times in the state of GA can a person postpone a case b/c of work?

Marc X2007-09-28T09:20:40Z

Favorite Answer

No idea about GA. In fact, I didn't know that it could be postponed, although it's not unreasonable. But work doesn't make a good excuse as there will always be work schedules. Still, I very much doubt that somebody can use stalling tactics indefinitely, any more than they can use them in any other court. There really should be Compelling reason, not just an excuse. Such a reason might be waiting for documents from the state which is evidence to be considered, and it does take a few days.


Usally twice.