Weight Watchers fat and fiber plan?

I am trying to help my friend find an old plan called the fat and fiber plan. She thinks it was from about ten years ago. I have looked everywhere with no luck. She doesn't like the points thing and really needs help. Does anyone have any info or the books? Thanks so much!


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I followed the fat and fiber plan in 1995-96, and I was never more successful! Unfortunately, I can't find any of my old materials or any resources on the web. I am not a fan of the Points Plan either (the new WW), but I remember the guidelines of Fat and Fiber. To do the Fat and Fiber, you should have between 15-30 grams of fat per day, and at least 20 grams of fiber. I have been trying to integrate these basic guidelines within the Weight Watchers Core Plan. Therefore, I eat mostly the core foods, and I track my fat and fiber grams (core foods are mostly low in fat and high in fiber). I also use the 35 points per week for fun food. I can't remember if the old Fat and Fiber plan had room to wiggle like this, but I am using the points. Basically, I have created my own plan that maintains caloric restriction, low fat, and lots of fiber. Just be sure not to over do it on empty calories with no fat like liquor, candy, sugar, sodas, etc. Let me know if you have any ideas as well!


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Weight Watchers fat and fiber plan?
I am trying to help my friend find an old plan called the fat and fiber plan. She thinks it was from about ten years ago. I have looked everywhere with no luck. She doesn't like the points thing and really needs help. Does anyone have any info or the books? Thanks so much!

Shannon Shirey2014-08-17T11:30:54Z

I believe that weight watchers should bring back the freedom/fat and fiber,but It'll not happen anytime sooner. I thought calling or emailing weight watchers,and I'm not so sure,and I did very good with that plan,and when the points system came in 1997 to me looking back killed weight watchers,and I regret throwing all the stuff related thrown out.I loved that program. They should bring back and update,but I don't know if contacting will happen?


For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avvYu

I love Weight Watchers. It's the only "diet" plan that's ever worked for me on a long-term basis. I think the reason is that you don't buy special foods to lose weight. You buy the same foods everybody else does. It's more of a healthy eating plan than a "diet." It teaches you how to lose the weight and keep it off by making healthy choices. On Weight Watchers there are two routes you can go: the Flex plan and Core. On the Flex plan you keep track of everything you eat via a points system that is calculated by taking calories, fat, and fiber into consideration. With Core you don't count points but rely on yourself to decide when you're full. I am on the Flex plan because writing everything down helps me to stay on track. Whichever plan you choose, though, here are some general healthy tips: -Drink at LEAST 48oz of water each day (that's the min...I usually try to shoot for closer to 100) -Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day -choose whole grains and high fiber foods whenever possible (they're healthier for you and tend to be more dense, so you'll remain full for a longer period of time) -shoot for 2 to 3 servings of dairy each day. -exercise moderately. don't kill yourself out there! I subscribe to the belief that "slow and steady wins the race." Don't set impossible goals for yourself like "I'm going to lose 10 pounds in a week." When it doesn't happen you'll just get discouraged. Take comfort in the small victories each day and enjoy yourself as you're working toward a healthier you. Good luck!

Mama Mia2007-10-01T19:58:29Z

Tell your friend that WW has two plans. The Basic and Points. The basic is not counting points, and you eat as much as you want of the foods on the list.
I never heard of a "Fat & Fiber " plan on WW. But WW will educate her on the different kinds of Fats: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Which ones are the good, bad, and ugly! Also, they will inform her about fibers too: Soluble and Insoluble--absorption and movement.
There are WW books, and the web site. You both can look into those, but I think she should just go to a meeting as a guest and talk to the counselor about the old plan you are asking about. I do hope someone there will "Give you both the skinny on things! "
Good luck

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