Who cares what the mexican president says about a border fence?
Are we not still a sovereign nation? It's time for isolationism again. We've seen what this "inclusion" of other nations in our political process has gotten us. Nothing but sell out politicians who will bend over backwards to appease some dirt country that doesn't have anything to offer in return.
You're kidding, right? You haven't heard that he called King George a bumbling buffoon for not being able to strong-arm amnesty through Congress? How he's said nations "should be building bridges instead of fences", except on THEIR southern border where Hondurans are treated like real criminals, since it's a felony to illegaly be in mexico. How they are constantly trying to but into our criminal system when their citizens are caught constantly breaking the law? One word of advice, crawl out of your parents basement every once in a while and bathe yourself in this experience we call the real life.
Ran out of space, but the list of American grievances goes on and on and on and on. You can look it up yourself, or is this one of "the jobs that Americans just won't do"?
"Ill bred dirt bag" ROTFLMAO This coming from someone who's so proud of marking their body they have to show it off for their picture. Let me tell you, I own my own business and only hire Americans. I will not take a government contract because they dictate who you have to hire and I will not bend over for them. But I'm sure you would for your next hit of meth, wouldn't you?