A good home party company to sell for?

I currently work two jobs - one full time and one part time in the evenings. I enjoy my jobs, but it doesn't leave much time to spend with my kids. I currently bring home about $130/wk at my part time and would like to make about that amount but by only having no more than three parties a week. I was wondering what would be a good company to work for as far as commissions go, market appeal to young and old and a public interest that isn't going to fizzle out in about a month. I have looked into both At Home America and Vantel Pearls...any other suggestions?

Stephanie P2007-10-09T08:04:58Z

Favorite Answer

Sue, I used to sell for the Pampered Chef, it's everywhere and the quality of the products is excellent, I still use a Pampered Chef product almost everyday. Just go to www.pamperedchef.com to find more info. It's pretty cheap to start up and you get to keep your start up kit, which is just really good kitchen products. Let me know if I can help any more.

Dyja E2007-10-10T02:54:29Z

Have you heard of Beauti Control? It is the smart company, made by women, for women. Beauti Control has the most awesome skin care products with a main focus on the at home "Spa Escape". You are able to pamper and destress your guests with the same spa quality products that can be found in spas but for a fraction of the cost. Just imagine you and your friends in your living room being destressed and pampered, no kids, no husbands, no cell phones. That is what you give women. The Spa only takes about an hour, the women love it and you can make $1000 a month doing 2 parties a week. Visit my website and see for yourself, it is a great company, you can make great money and the products are truly top of the line. www.beautipage.com/dpagan.
Just say Spaaaahhh.


I firmly believe there is no finer work from home business available today than MonaVie. It is a nutritional beverage (not a supplement) that is available in the US, Canada, Puerto Rica, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Japan.

The company is 2-1/2 years old and experienced 900% growth in 2006. It matched that 900% growth in the first quarter of 2007 alone and each month has grown more than the prior month.

It has extremely strong management, an unbelievable compensation plan with 8 ways to earn, commissions paid weekly. It has mass appeal to anyone concerned with their health, overall wellness, pain management, etc. It is equally liked both as a product and a business by men and women.

My husband and I live in Florida and it is quite well known here, but is just starting to really explode in other areas of the US and the world. It is receiving lots of positive press. Sumner Redstone (head of CBS and Viacom) raved about MonaVie in Fortune Magazine. Many professional athletes love MonaVie as well and are distributors. Click this link to the Fortune Magazine Article (on CNN Money)


My husband and I are both successful business people and started this business in order to have options for our future. We are absolutely shocked at how our MonaVie business has taken off. People try it and they can't believe how great it tastes and the health benefits.

We would enjoy speaking with you further about MonaVie. Please look over our website at www.mymonavie.com/smithfamily as it has quite a bit of information including our contact info.

MonaVie - Drink it! Feel it! Share it!

jason l2007-10-09T15:05:57Z

Are you interested in candles? I have a home business that you get product to work with, hundreds of people to give advice, its affordable each month and you can have fun at the same time. If your interested in checking it out, go to www.freetorelax.com/JasonLeach.htm

If you want to recruit, you earn comissions, the candles you sell you earn comissions. It works. I have made pretty good money from it so far. I'm not a millionaire, but then theres no such thing as get rich quick, just faster.