4 year old falls to death at Grand Canyon?


I do hope they take safety measures to prevent this in the future. I would be to scared to take my kids to the Grand Canyon. You would really have to glue them to you. Is there anyone here that has been there? Are their not fences up all around it?


I agree Michael. Just takes turning your head away for a second. I am afraid of heights I would be a wreck and not even enjoy it if I went there with my kids.


I do agree that the Grand Canyon is to large and I do understand there are fences on certain lookouts and such. Lets just hope this teaches a valuable lesson to those who are planning a trip to visit the canyon with their small children. Such a horrible and tragic accident.


Favorite Answer

While it is impossible to keep an eye on one's children at all times, when visiting a place where safety precautions should obviously be taken, common sense would normally dictate HOLDING SMALL CHILDREN'S HANDS or otherwise being extra-vigilant. Yes, this was very tragic, but letting a 4 year old walk around unattended at the Grand Canyon rim is just plain stupid. The Grand Canyon is a national park, which encompasses many square miles. It's not something that can just be "fenced off". The Grand Canyon is also a popular vacation spot for experienced hikers and climbers.

Saucy B2007-10-10T05:40:05Z

A fence is unrealistic. To huge and expensive.

What is more pertinent a question is why a family allowed a young child to be near the edge in the first place and wether or not visiting the grand canyon is suitable for those who plan to take young children who are not under direct control (held hand or tether) of a parent.

Its terribly sad for the parents but was avoidable.


No, No, No! there have been 50 deaths from falls on the Grand Canyon on the grounds that 1870! there have been a entire of roughly 600 deaths from many reasons, dehydration, getting lost, heart assaults, etc. See article under and scroll waaay all the way down to the paragraph on fatalities.


The Grand Canyon is Grand, as in huge. It would be insane to put a fence all around it. I have heard that there is something like 20 people a year fall in. The question is why they got so close to the edge in the first place.


There are guard rails at most of the overlooks, but anyone can crawl over them...especially an energetic kid. After all, people go there to take pictures and they don't want chain link fences in the way. And let's face it, the Grand Canyon is pretty big. You can't fence in the whole thing, anyway.

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