Anyone ever use a colon cleanse or parasite cleanse?

Can anyone give advise on parasites that people can get? Have you ever used one of those colon cleanses that are either advertised on t.v. or sold in health and vitamin stores? Would you advise being tested for parasites by a doctor and then using a medication or are the herbal remedies just as effective? I have had a lot of strange but subtle health issues lately and the doctor can find nothing wrong with me. I am just wondering if there is anything to this colon cleansing stuff and if it is worth doing.


Favorite Answer

T.I.D. Health, Micro Defense from Pure Incapsulations. 1 morning and late afternoon on empty stomach. Take for 2 to 3 months. Call 1-800-824-2439 Its around 25 dollars.

You have to have it recommended by a health practitioner, To get the kind of discount they offer to their clients, so in order for you to order it, you must have the health care practitioners ID number and name.

The account number of the health care practitioner will be given to you if you message me. By her recommendation, I believe they will give you 15% off. So, it would end up being about 20.40cents.

Online, I've found the lowest pricing to be 35 dollars.

They come in capsules with everything known to kill parasites including wormwood, black walnut, and clove without having to buy the stuff seperately.


black walnut hull (Juglans nigra L.) extract (10:1) 75 mg. olive leaf (Olea europaea l.) extract 100 mg. (standardized to contain 17-23% oleuropein) artemisia (Artemisia annua L.) extract (whole plant) 200 mg. (standardized to contain 5% artemisinin) clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (whole plant) 75 mg. grapefruit seed extract 85 mg. (standardized to contain 49% polyphenols) vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 5 mg.


Dr Natura Parasite Cleanse


Done cleansing for a while now. Buy something from a good source, not on TV. There are all kinds of cleansing you can do, some you can do yourself with out buying any pills or teas.

As for parasite cleansing the best on the market is Humaworm. You can find them on the Internet.

Also, have you been to the site CUREZONE.COM ? Spend some time there and go thru the forums and look for cleaning's.


Do not buy any of that stuff as you don't know what is in it. If you want to do a colon cleanse look up Colonics in your yellow pages and go to a person who does this for a living.


I've used them before and have found they do an excellent job of cleansing the digestive tract. Since the Dr. can find nothing wrong with you, I would give it a try. Just make sure you go to a reputable vitamin store and ask the associates to explain the process to you. Good luck!!

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