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Is vaccination only going slow because don't want a vaccine?

You can tell me the truth. Be honest. People aren't interested in the vaccine. Let alone the AstraZeneca one. 

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Actually as i stated over a year ago if they merely allowed the virus to run it"s course, and people not isolated and used masks, we would have reached herd immunity by summer of 2020 and a lot fewer people would have died.

    The vaccine program is merely being used as way to register your DNA.

    Had the governments announced they were going to require all citizens to be fingerprinted and registered, there would have been a massive push back against it and hundreds of millions would refuse.

    But by creating this fake threat, they got these same people to VOLUNTARILY give the government their DNA and be registered like a common criminal without so much as a whimper.

    I have NEVER worn a mask, social distanced, or quarantined and never got so much as a sniffle and never will.

    And i will NEVER take ANY vaccine or register my DNA.

    "MY body MY choice"

    I LOVE using liberals own words against them LOL

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Dr. Mengele comes to offer a "healthy" vaccine...would you take it?....nope!

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    35 Million have had the vaccine here in the U.K.

    We ARE interested, we don't want to die.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    I'm not getting it. It took them less time to come up with a vaccine than it took for them to get available tests for everyone in the us. 

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  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Yes plenty of people seem to be against the vaccination.

    As long as it isn't mandatory for people, there won't be many issues.

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