God desires all men to be saved .. but is this all?

There is a verse in 1 Timothy 2:4
Speaks about GOd not just desiring us to be saved only but to Come to the Full knowledge of the Truth.

What is this full knowledge of the Truth?

2 Timothy 3:7 says something interesting too...
And are always learning yet never able to come to the full knowledge of the truth..

Some may find this footnote interesting too:)

Ty all for taking the time to answer today...
Your sister


Take it easy there bluesage.
I meant no offense to you ... i know who my brothers and sisters are on Y!A and my questions are directed mainly to them and any other new believers I may be blessed to meet ... If you do not see me as such then please enjoy your two points but do not bother next time to address my questions.
You may have given the question a shot but since you decided instead to nit pick then I am what can i do huh? lol

Not a sister to bluesage :))


Favorite Answer

Salvation is only the beginning of life with God. Eternal life, according to Jesus’ definition is: “to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). God Himself is the Truth. Consider this. When a baby is born into the physical world, he must learn to walk, talk, eat, and basically LIVE, so that ideally, he would become an important member of and contributor to society. It is a similar concept. Living as a child of the Kingdom of God, and yet in the world where there are many challenges, requires a lot of learning and training. In the meantime, God desires that we become a blessing to others. God has prepared great blessings in and through your life. So rejoice!!

I give you the Glory Father !2007-10-15T22:34:32Z

I can remember when I thought being a Christian was so boring,as a young teenager,of course I wasn't saved but just the thought of becoming a Christian I thought boy I would have to quit so much...
I was so stupid in my thinking,,after I turned 37 years old,thats when I seen Jesus for who He is and He has changed my life around..the things Jesus wanted me to let go of was only to help me and not hurt me but I didn't know that then..
If I had to do all over again,I would become a Christian as a little child..I wouldn't have to be learning so fast like I am now,,lol...
God Bless.....


The full knowledge of the truth is not just memorizing or quoting scriptures but in knowing Who God is.


God desires that we obey him, in the Psalms it says obedience is better than sacrifice. The full knowledge of the truth comes as you believe (rely on, trust in, adhere to) the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15: 3&4, and God reveals it to you. You cannot come to the full knowledge by studying the Bible, you must believe and let God reveal it to you.
Hope this helps.


It is our responsability to use the Holy Spirit that god has bleses us with to go into Gods word, and find out that his teachings and lessons are...It is an awesome guift, that we neglect.

If people actually took to heart what the scriptures say about knowing god and his wour, and how his guidence and plans work, no one would be taken by false doctrine or cults.

Problems occur when we let Man dictate what God wants us to learn....

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