What behaviors are detrimental to a very early pregnancy?

If it's too early for a pregnancy test even, are there any foods, habits, activities, etc. that increase or decrease the likeliness of the "success" of the pregnancy? I've read that even after implantation there are frequent failures, but why? Like is it okay to lift heavy things and handle cat litter? Is there anything one could unknowingly do to hurt an embryo? Thank you for any information.


to Alicia L:
Wow that makes me feel better already! You may not have had fertility problems though...but I do believe in doing things naturally. And no, I don't hate you for telling me to get rid of the cat, I don't like the damned thing either!


Favorite Answer

The frequent failures that you have heard of are from chromisomal defect and is mother nature getting rid of the damaged. All you can do is live a healthy lifestyle, like the one that you would like your baby to live. Eat healthy, excercise and find ways to reduce stressors in ways that you like. When I was pregnant with my little lady, I did hand stands, played ball and ran miles before I ever knew. When I was 4 mos I was in a car wreck that totaled my car and that day (after an ultrasound) I realized that she was here to stay! She arived healthy and as happy as can be. Those 'failures" are the reason that it is suggested that women wait to miss a period before testing because it saves the agony of wondering if we did something wrong when it would have passed for a period. I want to thank you for your question because in answering it I recieved some relief from this stressful tww. As far as the catbox...(you may hate me) gross, get rid of that animal.
Again, it is mother nature keeping the world healthy.

lol.. I was with the father of my daughter for 5 years and never became pregnant. I always thought that there was something wrong with me. Although I was not "actively" trying like taking temps and opk's and such, we always hoped we were expecting. As irony would have it Solana was concieved after we broke up. Only the good LORD knows what is in store for all of us.


Do NOT change the cat box. Exposes you to CMV virus which can damage the baby. Avoid all drinking, smoking, and use of medicines of ANY kind without your doctor's specific instructions. avoid hot tubs and hot tub baths ( some people will disagree with this, but there is some evidence that this can be harmful, so whynot avoid them?) as many as 50 % of all pregnancies self-terminate very early...and most of the time the reason is unknown. Use your common sense, and make a doctor app't as soon as you confirm that you are pregnant. Good luck to you.

Me and only me2007-10-18T02:48:01Z

stay away from cat liter. you could come in contact with something called toxoplasmosis and this could cause harm to your pregnancy. when you go to the doctor for your first prenatal visit they are going to ask you if you have a cat so that they can test your blood.
if you are trying to get pregnant, take some prenatal vitamins this will insure that you are getting all the nutrients for a possible pregnancy. also any food high in folic acid, this will decrease the chance of your baby getting neural tube defects.
good luck


Don't mess with cat litter! Be careful lifting heavy things.... It could cause other problems... Don't drink, smoke, do drugs, etc... Avoid sea foods, and meats that aren't cooked, and raw eggs, etc... Best wishes!