Do americans realize that pro illegal groups are overusing the imaginary term "latino"?

Americans, realize that spanish speaking people are very different than on another. Pro illegal groups are using the phrase "latino" so that they can group illegals with anyone who speaks spanish. I remember hearing Vincinte Fox say that he is want the US to be good to "latinos". Vincente, you dont speak for me, a puerto rican of cuban decent. I am culturally closer to mainstream america than Mexicans. Dont group me with your countrys economic failures.

Illegal immigration is a problem due primarily to MEXICO. And please, if you are a mexican, dont call me "brother". I am NOT related to you culturally. I actually like the United States , unlike the millions of illegal mexicans in the US. ......... and dont give me this double talk in English. I know what Mexicans say in Spanish, and trust me if americans knew, all of you will be deported within a year.


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No I don't realize it. This was boring the first five times you posted it. And show some respect and capitalize Americans. You don't speak for me either.


Well......I find it rather hypocritical that they say they are pro-illegal.....but the speeches are done in Spanish.....they don't make an uproar or stand in defense of any other illegal group being deported...just the Mexicans. The signs are in Spanish....the chants are in Spanish......all I know is if I were illegal from another country I wouldn't think they were concerned about me at all.....because all they seem to care about is "latino" rights and making Spanish mandatory. That doesn't support "immigrants" or all "illegal immigrants".......just them. Vicente and the rest could care less about any other long as they get what they want.

I know many think it's cute to mouth off and say awful things in Spanish thinking they are superior and oh so cute.....but eventually they will be taken to task for what they are saying and they won't be able to hide behind their language as an excuse anymore. They had a caller call a radio show and tell a story. This factory was in an area where there were alot German and Polish well as Mexicans. The Germans and Polish learned English.....but naturally the Mexicans didn't or claimed they didn't. makes for a stressful work situation when people can't talk to each other or causes definate seperation in the work force. Now the Mexicans thought it was fine that they couldn't understand them. Wasn't even an issue with English....because frankly...I think they know alot more than they pretend to......but when the others started talking in German and Polish.....they were LIVID.....even filed grievences because they couldn't understand what was being said. So much for the blessings of "bi-lingualism"..........funny they can't handle what they dish out.


This is a first for me to hear someone of cuban/puerto rican decent speak this way about gives me a whole new meaning to "Latinos"....but what about Hispanic??? Why do they (mexicans) call themselves that all the time?


Yes I see the overuse of the word latino. I also see that different spanish speaking groups do not like each other.


Blame the media. Most people form their opinions (right or wrong) from the powerful influence of the media in this country.

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