Weather and delays?

Have not flown in 20 years. Suppose to be rain and wind 10-15 mph with 30 mph gusts in Boston where I am departing but weather fine in Denver where I am landing. Should I expect departure delays. I know I can check in the morning but I have this huge huge huge fear of flying and am very stressed. Would like to relax and know if I can expect the weather to add to my stress. Thanks :o)


forgot to add it is southeast winds.


TY NYC...I am taking my 4 year old to focus on LOL. Once we get up there I am fine. Its the taking off and landing part. Last time I flew I was a kid and by the time my plane left denver I had already missed my connecting flight in Newark. I was petrified and had been flying alone. I just really hate delays. Thanks for the encouragement. I do know it is safe. My 4 year old will likely be comforting me LOL seeing as he keeps asking if he can skydive off the plane.


Favorite Answer

The weather has to be incredibly severe for it to cause a delay. I work for an Airline and I have flown in some really really bad weather.
I wouldn't let the weather spoil your plans by making you more stressed.

I know many people are scared to fly and it is understandable but I have flown over 4000 times and I have never had any major problems. Flying is one of the safest forms of transport. 30mph gusts are nothing to worry about.

My advice to you would be to take something with you to read, listen to or to focus on. Sit in an Aisle Seat. Let the Check in Agent know you are nervous and tell the Flight Attendants that you don't like to fly. They will help you and give you as much support as you need.

Good luck and don't stess.


If you have morning flight you should be okay, but the later the day goes on the busyer the airways get. Your main delays will come from ATC (air trafic controll) delays which are to many plains in the sky or wind/visibility (weather) delays where the wind and visibility make the planes stay further apart then normal. Boston is one of the busier airports (anything around NYC has issues) but you shouldn't be too delayed and even if you are, most airlines try to be as accomodating as possible. Don't worry or stress you'll be just fine


Don't know, just came here to wish you a good trip.
And don't worry they are professionals.


you should be okay check in the morning and good luck


shanti se so jav