Dose jesus love me?

even if christians hate me cuz im gay?

i know deep in my heart he dosnt hate me for who i am but for past few years with all the gay hating thing going on kinda makes re think the whole jesus and christianity thing.. since you were kid u were always told that jesus loves you for who you are but then again all the sudden when there r ppl out there keep pushing it in everyone faces saying god hates you ur a sinner kinda pushes u to be athiest..?!?! im really confused


Favorite Answer

A good christian wouldn't hate you for being gay either... bible says not to judge.


Do not let any one convince you that Jesus hates you. Any one who reads the bible can tell you that. God and Jesus hate the sin, love the sinner.

Jesus was a cool guy who hung out with the outcasts, the thieves, and the prostitutes. He doesn't hate any one. Unlike 90% of christians that hate both the sin and the sinner, which is agaisnt their teachings. Next time some one tries to tell you that, tell them to read the bible and learn hwo wrong they are. We are all sinners. No sin is greater than another other than denying gods existance and worshipping false gods.

Kisses & Hugs2007-10-27T22:52:27Z

Jesus love you no matter what you do. Here are a few of my favourite lyrics from a song that we sing in church.

'Nothing you can do can make him love you more. And nothing that you've done could make him close the door.'

I really believe this and hope that you can continue on in your relationship with God.

Also, a good Christian will never hate you for being gay, even if they don;t agree with it. In the bible Jesus say, "Let he who has not sinned cas the first stone". We have all sinned and therefore cannot judge another person for their sins. If you feel uncomfortable in your church, maybe you should find another one. Churches with mainly older people tend to be a bit more judgemental on the homosexual issue simply because they didn't grow up with it. Find a church where you feel coomfortable and can grow your relationship with God. Good luck and God bless you.


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Jesus loves everyone.


Okay, it is a sin to be gay. But Jesus and God will forgive you, thats part of the beauty of christianity.

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