Why to GOPs say that Clinton is unelectable.?


The latest polls show that 81 percent of Americans think that she is intelligent, 67 percent think she is politically moderate, 53 percent says that she makes a favorable impression.


66 percent say she is a strong leader with strong family values. More that half say that she is open, friendly, understands their problems and is honest. 54 percent view her favorably.

And yet the GOP claims that she can't win and that no one likes her or trusts her. My question is why do they say this? I suspect the reason is that they know they will lose to her. I'm wondering if any GOPs out there can make a rational argument.


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Just some food for thought...

One large group that almost always without fail votes Democrat are the Unions. Do you think they're polling carpenters or UAW assembly line workers? Do you think a largely male-dominated group of skilled-tradesmen are going to lock-step vote for a woman? I have many Union family members and friends, newsflash, the answer is no-way. How about the conservatives who are upset with the performance of the GOP? Will a Hillary Democrat nomination motivate them to go out and vote for "anybody but Hillary" when they might have stayed home otherwise? How about the independents that are tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton pattern developing?

I'm not saying it is impossible for Hillary to be elected, but I think it's anything but a slam-dunk.


Funny thing about the Prisioner, behind bars, which would in this case, be the GOP enjoying their Rule of Cheating and Disonasty, and Robbery of the United State natural born citizens.
Well in 2008, the Gop is not just affraid, of the ship going down and being handcuffed for at least 8-12 years by the Clinton Police coming back into the White house, and gaine control of this Mess that will go down in history, as the worst Representation of the American people, for Protecting, the American People, for Acting truthfuly, and lawfully for the American people, as this Bush Klan has.
Its as one sidded a bunch of Rich idiots that care about one thing, love of money and the power they can achieve.
Well Enjoy the 1 more year you have before many of you are stained for life, i hope as an American, that Dickless and Dog Bush and most of their Klan go to jail for Robbing, and Stripping this country of every Emotional, Physical, Economical and Hope for a Safe and Free future.

What can hillary Clinton do?
Well it was very simular before bill Clinton became president.
Regan messed up his second term badly and bush Senior started this mess in the middle east only to try to get some power to protect his friends oil rights.
Remember the 1,000 points of light? So when bill got into office by winning big because the American people had had Enough He bacame a leader of our nation, and did a great job as being the leader in all ways of our nation. The only thing the GOP could hold against him was the monica Thing, and they spent over 2 billion dollars raking thorugh the courts, with the House and Senate in their power, to make this happen.

But what Did bill do. he took us from 2 trillion in the whole in economy, in 7 years we were over 100 billion in Profit side as a country.
Do you all remmeber the Strong Economy in the markets and how well we ll did with our mutual Funds and 401-k's and the super interest we made on our financial deposits.
Thats because we had a strong economy, and healthy funds in the large banks and brokerages, who maade our businesses Stronger than ever since after WWll.

Funny how the Gop wants use the negative scar tactics to make us forget these years not far back.
If you want to talk about big money during the bush years, Think Enron, Think Qualcom, and Big oil which has gone from making lots to not having enough ship and oil Rigs to stash the money they make every Qtr, and every year.
more than any company has ever made Ever. how about the Pharmisutical Companys are being paid well, but the FDA is in my Opinion being given money to hold back on passing these dream cures and help to the Citizens NOW. to only make more money from everyone buying the pills of drugs from old.
Why does the president NOT want us tomove forwards in medicine? It would make less money for the Pharmicies who make the Meds, which then makes it much more expensive for the Insurance company's as the reserch is done for bettter health and the Some cures are there but the FDA does NOT get them through to us, not the important ones anyways.
So When hillary clinton does become our next president we will have lots to look forwards to as a nation once again, which will bring us more together and not breaking apart feeling stressed out, and caring only about what the gas prices are, the extra time spent on the job and not at home, keeing you on the cell phones and computers to take up your extra time, instead of relaxing more knowing that things will get done and the Average Workers will feel more posative, and want to work harder. Posative things will again happen, and the GOP will again do everything they can to Slow this Down and make the next Democratic president as hard a job as possible to straightne thing out again.
bush and Cheney have already said they dont care anymore because they are leaving in a year.
They are trying to Rape the rest of Social security if they can keep changing the laws, and Meicare is being Taken also.
They dont care, because they have mega Billions, and will only laugh at us.


Some polls put her at 45% unfavorable which means some voters will vote against her, but that is <50% and it only takes 50% + 1 vote to win the election. I've heard people like Newt Gingrich say she was a strong leader, as well as John McCain, and both have a favorable opinion of her but you can bet that neither will vote for her for president. Those numbers are slightly skewed in that some of the 66% and the 54% include people who will vote Republican.


I would be very fearful to say Hillary is unelectable. That is the same attitude that LOST the republicans power in 2006. Hillary is smart and crafty. If she can turn out the white female vote, she's got it. Not saying that other minority voters won't assist in that, but I would have to comment that minority voters simply don't trust her. In many ways, minority female voters feel more empowered, but they also need personality to find someone electable (thus we got Bill Clinton).


Either her or giuliani will win and the GOP's will help her or him win.

Shes in the back pocket of the GOP's from day one.

you must be blind to see this.

or you don't know about the iran contra affair and how the GOP's and the clintons were importing coke into this country.

READ UP, hillary is a commie and the same as the GOPs

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