Have you already made up your mind not to vote Republican or Democrat? Not to vote for a certain candidate?

Is there anything that candidate can promise to do to change your mind about whether or not to vote for them?

Big Paesano2007-11-02T04:46:43Z

Favorite Answer

Not quite yet. I kind of like Edwards and I kind of like McCain. But what I would really like is a third party since I don't really like any of them. But that would be a wasted vote.


I cant do the GOP. Eight years of this mess, and it wasn't all president Bush, is enough.

Do you know what I really dislike about the republican party, it is not their stand on God & guns or any of their other staples, it is the hypocracy and their collective inability to get along with anyone who does not agree with them. That can be the case for people on the other side of the political aisle or people on the other side of the ocean.

There are a couple of GOP candidates that I personally like: Huckabee & McCain in particuar but a lot of their rhetoric seems to be a lot like our current president. If they would tone that kind of talk down then I could like them more.

Moody Red2007-11-02T11:55:34Z

Oh Yes, I certainly won't vote for someone who doesn't understand or is too liberal economically. Why do we need a death tax? We don't need more programs and we could certainly cut or eliminate some that we have. We need a principled leader who will keep this country secure. Someone tough on immigration, security, for strong military and intelligence.
Someone who is willing to look into deep sea exploration for energy, and the untapped areas in Alaska. A person who will carry through on social security reformation with personal accounts.
Get the government control out of education, and this may be done in many ways.
We need a strong, intelligent and honest person to lead this country, and I know who it is not!
Yes, I know who I am voting for, and it isn't Hillary!



I would cut off my own arms and eat them with some nice fava beans before I would ever vote for Hillary. Obama is almost as bad. I will vote Republican. Haven't decided which one yet, however.


No, I haven't decided who to vote for, and haven't really eliminated anyone yet. I really think this 2 year campaign cycle is a bit much. Now all this leap frogging of primaries, it's getting so all politicians are doing is campaigning, and maybe get one years work out of them in between campaigns.

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