Do you make your opinion "known" - against perceived illegals, or Spanish speakers?
I see a lot of people on here that are very opinionated about the undocumented being here, or, about people speaking Spanish (and I only say this one because it IS THE most commonly spoken language among the undocumented in the US). My question is this: would you approach someone that you thought to be here illegally and face- to-face tell them to "go home" or similar?
I like to think that we are a more "civilized" country than to attack people when the policy is the problem.
The reason for this question is this: I was recently in a grocery store and ran into a Spanish speaking client. I talked to her for a couple minutes, and, a very large, dirty woman approached us. I smiled to her (thinking she may have been a client at some point), and, she says to me, "If you are going to be in MY country, learn MY language." Of course, I informed her that I was born and raised here, and was bilingual..(not like she could mistake me for a Native Spanish speaker- I am very pale.) It kind of made me wonder what people are thinking when they approach a stranger to tell them what to do....
*Edit* I actually Lived in Mexico, and, the sibs in my exchange family were blonde, so, I am aware that there are blonde Latin- Americans. However, there are very few in the US that are tall & blond European (that I have seen). Also, it was only meant to express that I seriously don't look Latino- at all.
Shadowed- I would have said something, also, if I saw someone pull down and trash a flag.
Ms. LA- I don't think that all people that are against undocumented are like this person. Secondly, I would be fine with being Latina (if I were), as, there are some gorgeous Latina women. And, as far as your concern about how I feel about our countrymen, the answer is simply that from a mental standpoint, I understand the economic impact of illegal immigration. However, from an emotional point of view, I understand the plight and feel for people that are trying to better the lives of their families. As such, this issue is very much a head vs. heart for me, and, yes, with me, personally, heart always wins... But, I am glad that I am not the one making the laws....