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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 day ago

How come immigrants can come to my country and tell us how to run it,but if I go to their country and do the same I get my head chopped off?

4 Answers

  • 9 hours ago

    united states is a weak minded country

    it's sad when people that's illegally in the country can fight for rights and get what they want 

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    21 hours ago

    You forgot to mention about how they "DEMAND that THEY'RE RIGHTS in OUR country be respected" and that "according to our laws THEY'RE entitled to a court appointed and PAID FOR attorney to represent them" when they're not a LEGAL CITIZEN and are "entitled" to NOTHING like our natural born AND naturalized LEGAL CITIZENS are entitled to! BUT the ONE thing that REALLY chaps my AZZ about these ILLEGAL ALIENS is when they have lived here ILLEGALLY for 5, 10, 20 even 50+ YEARS and they STILL REFUSE to learn our common and accepted language AND they DEMAND WE provide them with a translator to even communicate with them!!! This FACT ALONE PROVES they have NO desire to EVER become a citizen of OUR country and they're ONLY concern is for THEMSELVES and THEY'RE desires!!!! The bottom line is the LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK politicians ONLY see them as 100% reliable demoCROOK party loyal VOTERS and that's the ONLY thing they care about!!

    And YES the vast majority of U.S. citizens families came here from other countries at sometime in they're past BUT over 99% of them LEGALLY IMMIGRATED AND WILLINGLY became NATURALIZED CITIZENS AND WILLINGLY learned our common language they ALSO RESPECTED and FOLLOWED our laws with NO desire to return "home" like ILLEGAL ALIENS do and THAT'S the difference  between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration and IF these ILLEGAL ALIENS simply RESPECTED and FOLLOWED our laws they would be welcomed here too!!!! 

    Attachment image
  • 1 day ago

    I don't think that's true.

    Also; constructive criticism isn't a bad thing. 

  • 1 day ago

    Non white nations tend to be uncivilized.

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