Alienware desktop. Anyone have problems with repair?
Alienware has had my laptop for 4 months. It's still under warranty. I paid almost $4000.00 for it. They say they can't fix it. The Mother board is bad. Am I screwed?
Alienware has had my laptop for 4 months. It's still under warranty. I paid almost $4000.00 for it. They say they can't fix it. The Mother board is bad. Am I screwed?
Favorite Answer
I think I would be making a phone call and giving them all kinds of hell. 4 months to replace a motherboard?!?! I think they forgot about you or just don't care. One reason why I would have built my own. Second would be just so I could save the money and end up with the same performance as one of their PC's. Send me $4,000 and see what I can build you, lol.
Alienware's are awesome machines, a shame yours is messed up. If it's under warrenty let them deal with it; Alienware brand is insanly expansive as you mentioned you wouldn't want to lose out on your investment in a hell of a gaming machine; speak with them about repairing or replacing your machine, for that kind of money you have to put up a fight.
In essence, you aren't screwed, you're under warrenty.
Did you buy a warranty (extended)? if so you should be fine. Most motherboards are covered.
Jordan L
chances are they'll offer to replace your motherboard...since it's under warranty you shouldn't have a problem with that.