Lay Eggs???

I don't know where my son (4) got this but when he gets mad at people he says, "Go lay eggs!" Any of you guys teach him that?


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lol...yep. That way he's not in 'hot water' with you!

What a cutie! Can I borrow him now and again? (only until he's 8 or 9 though!)


They are called layer pellets. They have the right amount of vitamins and protein to nourish the chicken and keep her healthy and producing eggs. You only need a rooster if you want fertile eggs. Chickens lay eggs naturally, some more often then other breeds but usually 1 egg a day. And by the way, many eggs you buy in the store are fertile, they just were collected within a couple of days time and the hens were not allowed to set on them. You would never know without knowing what a fertile egg yolk looks like.


That's cute!

Sort of like an adult would tell someone to "Get A Life".

I didn't teach him, but I would have. It's a great stress reliever for the little ones. Much better than some of the garbage I've heard come from out of the mouths of babes.


Yeah me, when I was a kid and we got upset we'd say, 'go lay an egg'. I guess it was as close to sounding mean or cussin' as a little kid could come and not get into trouble. lol

BTW-it has to be said in a certain tone of voice. lol


AS close as i can tell, it is wishing that you fail at something. IN old vaudevillian terms, " I laid an egg" meant the act didn't go over at all. Other than that, I can't come up with any other meaning. Phil

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