Why does no one seem to care?

Why do people pay total attention to how animals are cared for...if they are abused or harmed in any way...collect money to take care of them, etc.....but have no concern about the over 40 million babies that have been killed through abortion?

Our society has wiped out an entire generation of people, and yet no one even seems to notice or care.

When I hear "save the whales"...or some owl...or the wolves...why does no one care of "saving the children"?


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Why is it that in America we even allow this debate to continue?

There has not been "40 million babies killed" that is just hyped up BS propagated by ill informed priests that want to keep their congregations involved in things that are none of their business.

And I do care about "saving the children", the ones that are alive and abused, or sick, or starving. We have enough to worry about with the children that are born to waste so much money and energy fighting about a personal choice issue.

How many abused babies have you rescued lately? How much money do you donate to help our live children fight cancer? How many dollars do you contribute to funds that feed the children already here?

I am proud to be pro-choice and even prouder that I actually try to do as much as I can to better the lives of the children that have been born.

Most anti-choicers are hypocrites who do nothing to better the plight of the living children and much to force others to make decisions based on the anti-choicers religious beliefs.

As a human, it makes me sick.


I share your frustration,but for some twisted reason many may feel that people and their precious souls come a dime a dozen. But actually many don't really care of the animals either, the basic problem is that people are becoming desensitized to the precious gift of life,maybe due to the over abundance of sin in this world the love of mankind is growing weak.


An entire generation of people has not been wiped out.... Don't be so silly.

Those "babies" that have been "aborted" include miscarriages and stillbirths. Those women must be evil too.


Why do you presume to speak to a situation that belongs between a woman and her physician? If you don't like abortion, then don't have one.

Better still: are you prepared to care for all those infants born to mothers who can't care for them if you manage to get abortion outlawed, or will you say, as most xtian fundies do, "tough luck, kid, you're on your own." I don't see you stepping up offering to adopt one. If you really care so much, put your money where your mouth is.


because in many cases, the animal in question is going extinct courtesy of humans, humans aren't....we'll be here for quite awhile if we don't cause our own extinction

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