Do You Want To Know Why We're Proud To Be Black?

It means we're proud bc in SPITE of all we've been thru, & are going thru, we refuse to let anyone make us feel ashamed of who we are. All the the problems we have, has its origins in the racist history of this society. Oppressed ppl usually take on the traits of the oppressor, & begin treating themselve & each other as bad, or worse than the oppressor ever did,especially if they have/had been abused for centuries. EVEN IF the oppression subsides & is no longer as violent or blatant, the damage can take generations to undo. No one has ever suffered thru the type of bondage we have, and been as degraded-losing such a huge amount of culture & dignity. This definitely didn't happen under those "those African who 'sold' our ancestors" everyone likes to bring up to try to mute this point. We still have contributed many things to this country even after slavery & still do. Our presence has shaped this country in many positive ways. I'm proud bc our presence is SO strong that even in our


ignorance ppl continents away still want to emulate & be like us. Now imagine when we really get ourselves together!


This was in response to the person who's question got deleted, wanting to know why black ppl are proud to be black considering all the neg. things we are inflicted with that she listed.


Marvin H. maybe you should read the entire post, I explained WHY I wrote this. So how could I be trying to start anything. So you commented in ignorance how lame is that?


I love the way ppl pick out certain words & take them out of context-then ask questions like-"what oppression are you going thru-that's the joke.


Ole Baby-you're welcome, but it wasn't us who created this "race" issue, seperating ourselves from the rest of society. Its always been this way. Yeah of course in 2007 there are a lot of changes but America is still pretty segregated. Its not just between black & white. In Chicago there Irish neighborhoods, Italian,Polish, Mexican, a Chinatown etc. As well as St. Patrick Day, Pulaski Day, Cinco de Mayo observances etc. We're a loooonnnng way from truly being a melting pot-lol.


rowlfe-you said you hate whiners than you precede to...........whine-LOL!! We use "black", "African-Amer" bc historically we didn't/don't know our ancestral roots down to what paricular country. I sure Hatians, Jamaicans, Nigerians say they are proud to be such-if they want to express that. Most whites tend to know they are Irish, Polish, Italian,etc., so why would you use a color to designate your race IF you DON"T have to? Bc we are forced to-HOW flattering. Maybe you should blame the KKK for the impression ppl get when they hear "White Pride". WE didn't make it racist. How many people are called racist for celebrating St. Patrick's Day-so pls you are hardly in the age of "White Oppression".


Well its wonderful we have so many ppl who just want to celebrate being one human family. Its a shame there weren't enough of you in the past. We wouldn't be discussing this today.


JamesDean-stop trying to act morally superior. How have black ppl treated white ppl the same way-its impossible. Very few blk ppl believe All white ppl are racists OR subhuman animals. I only became angry when you stated that black ppl should be thankful for slavery. That statement is so thoroughly racist, you might as well be a neo-nazi skinhead. YET, you call me racist. Based on what? I never privatize my questions or answers. I challenge you to point out anything I have said that is racist. ANYTHING. I notice you are highly defensive of white ppl, BUT have never defended black men against any stereotype or racist view. You seem to have a thing for black women tho. Oh, that's new for a racist to have that.

LADY beautiful mind (is sexy)2007-11-11T13:15:13Z

Favorite Answer

You are absolutely right. Following the OJ verdict - people automatically assumed all blacks felt that OJ had been a victim of the system.

And in this recent debate regarding rap lyrics - the media is ONLY focusing on the artist versus the record companies & executives that put the music out. We as a black community are forced to pick sides. Or defend rap - as if it's single-handedly responsible for all of the violence in the world, the introduction of the drug trade or promiscuity.

Yet you don't see that when Ozzie bites a head off of a bat. Or when Paris, Lindsey & Britney expose their bare 'woman parts' to the world. All white women aren't made to feel ashamed, just because a few white women get drunk & lose control.

So like you said - inspite of all of the adversity & the oppresive mentality, I am VERY proud of who I am. And that's a strong, black, confident woman.. :D


I am Black, proud, educated, have a beautiful head of silky curls that has no chemicals in it, have no children out of wedlock, make a good income, am confident and enjoy life and being good to others. My friends of all races and ethnicities are very proud of me as well. I feel it is perfectly okay to play dress up. If I get a notion to wear tons of sewn in hair, purple contacts, a huge hat with feathers and a saloon girl dress, I will still be a proud Black Woman. I think you are delusional, perhaps you do not have a culture, but I do, as do my friends. I am not separated or suppressed by anyone, except perhaps the IRS at tax time. Based on your attitude, I would say you are just tired, period. Obviously you slept through Black American History. By the way the guy without the shirt...if all the men on the earth were like you, none of us would have children....ever!


Not particularly.
Your question is directed at all of us. And I don't care what 'color' you or anybody else is.
I recognize one race and it is called the 'human race'.

Be proud to be human, be proud to lift someone else up.

Just to add fuel to the fire, I am not impressed with 'Cultural Pride', either. We live on a relatively small world and are only an arms reach away (metaphorically speaking) of many people from different backgrounds, and cultures. We can no longer afford to be insular. We are in fact brothers (we all have the same ancestor).

Can't we all just get along, without someone trying to be better the someone else? So sad.

jay thunder2007-11-11T18:49:14Z

well maybe not,or maybe you did. I guess we will never know. But one thing I know for sure is that just because you were treated a certain way does not mean it's OK for you to do it. you have to make a conscious effort to be better then that. If we tell every one in America that if they were molested as a child that it is OK for them to do it, It would never end the cycle would it. And if you give people an excuse to fail or quit. that's exactly what they will do. we have had these conversation before. You have gotten mad because i make to much sense for you and your racist views. You think because I'm half white that I'm sticking up for the white man.yes my real mom is white. my step mom is black and my half sister is half black. I'm not sticking up for white people, It scares me to think that a racist like you would poison the mind off any child with your it's not our fault garbage. Your cutting the legs out from under them. I work very hard at the community center to promote a healing between the races,because it can happen. My family gets along great. I teach personal accountability. You are to intelligent to not see that there is bigger problems in your community. I speak with my step mom, she tells me of the concerns. but you keep fighting for what ever you want. because that's much more important then the betterment of your people. do you want to be right? or make a brighter future?


Its very nice to see a question or a statement like this one I think some black people feel ashamed of their race because of the racism and media because of what they think its the perfect standard of beauty and all of them has to do with white people and it is wrong! black people is very beautiful not only physically but spiritually too and they are more intelligent and have better feelings because they are more passionate in everything they do.

I know some black people try to act like white people you know they dye their hair, strighten their hair, etc. and it is great if they do it just because they want to look like that but if they do all of that because they feel ashamed by their own race and their own features that make them black then it is absolutely wrong!.

Black people is beautiful and also they are absolutely capable to do amazing things. Probably (at least in America) slavery its over but black people has to keep fighting to get more rights, get recognized by their work and the great things they have contributed to the world but they have one fight that is more important than the rest, the fight against get ashamed by themselves, they have not reason to be ashamed.

If I were black I would be proud of be black, I know deep in my heart that my soul is black.

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