Christmas gifts for my loved ones!?

Okay so this is my freshman year in college (aka no job for 3+ months now) and I need gifts for my family and girlfriend without breaking my bank.

1. My dad is 48 I always have trouble trying to find him something every year because I never know what to get him. His main hobby is running, he runs like 6 miles a day but he has about 50 pairs of shoes. A bunch of running shirts, etc. So I am really lost on what to get him. He never makes any mention of anything he wants, please help.

2. My mother is the same age and every year just by shopping around the department stores I find something, but this year I won't really have a lot of time to do that. Last year I got her a griddle, the year before that I got her a scanner, so its kinda easy to please her but I need something not so expensive.

3. My grandparents, I usually get them a joint gift, but I can get them something separate if its a good idea. My grandpa is sick a lot now and they can't go out much so sometimes i get them movies

$1200 mistake2007-11-11T22:30:02Z

Favorite Answer

Christmas on a budget...No Problem. The key here is to do things that are personal, and involve more of your time than your money (or lack of).

Lets start with your girlfriend ~ Women love attention. So do something that will WOW her...a special evening that includes walking and holding hands, making her a wonderful pasta dinner by candlelight, a bubble bath and foot rub, put it all into a special handmade card, describing your special date-night and then follow through.

For Dad and Mom ~ Same basic idea...give handmade cards with "coupons" good for a car detail, mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters on the house, things that will show how much you appreciate them, but won't break the bank.

For the Grandparents ~ You have got the idea by now. :)

One of the best birthdays I ever had was when my husband detailed my car (wash, wax, vacuum, new steering wheel cover, etc) and then took me to a park for an ice-cream cone and just spent time with me for an entire day.

Be creative and have fun with this concept. Put your own personal spin on it. It will be great.

Good Luck!


Have your picture taken, frame it and they will cherish it.

You can also frame a poem or a quote showing your love for them.

You can do both or just one.

I'm 72 and I beg my kids and grand kids, to not buy my husband and I a lot of unwanted gifts that I have no need for and no place to put them.

If you have a camera with a timer, you can get a good snapshot and save even more money.

They will have the joy of looking at your picture and showing it off for many years to come.

Hope this is helpful.


you may consider buying your family members one of the following:
a pedometer
a cap
a tie
an mp3
a pair of sunglasses
a watch
or a belt
hand bag
a nice jacket or a cook book
make up kit
an apron
Hope to have been of help have a merry xmas!


Get your dad a new sweat suit and it matter if he has one all ready he will like from you. Get your mom an pod. get your grandparents gifts certificates to there favor it restaurant they would still like to get out sometimes.

willow woow2007-11-11T22:20:02Z

get them portraits! i and my sister are artist. my sister gave me a portrait of me on a horse in a field. it was a trip we took and she shoot the picture. so she made a portrait out of it using pastels. it is gorgeous! i love it. if you have one of your dad running, say in a park with autumn leaves around. you can capture the back of him running. i bet he would love it! it will be saved forever! you could also have a picture of him running and have it digitally done over and framed! awsome idea! some for your mom and grand parents.

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