Were you aware of this Christian persecution in America?


This is ridiculous. There is a statute of limitations on misdemeanor charges, especially trespassing.

However, this is a small example of what pro-life Christians have dealt with for 30 + years.


This woman does, indeed, exist. I've known her since 1992. She lives across the street from the man who runs the Missionaries to the Unborn web site.

The original charge was for trespassing. Back when this "offense" originally occurred, that was the standard charge given to pro-lifers who went on the abortuary property. She did not "skip bail" or any such thing. In the past, these charges have been routinely dismissed after a short time, as the cities know that these are misdemeanors, akin to traffic offenses.

She was arrested in Grove City, Pa., but the warrant was issued by Paoli, Pa., across the state from Grove City/Philly.

She was held without benefit of seeing a lawyer for 4 days. She has since been transferred to the Chester, Pa. facility.


For Pln: In the 18 years I've been interceding for the mothers and their children, I've never once seen a mother spat upon OR hit by any pro-lifer. I know this is a common canard perpetrated by pro-abortion people, but it is simply not true.


For maranatha132: This is an example of what has been going on in our country for several years. Pastors have been arrested for preaching the Gospel from street corners. Others have been physically assaulted for preaching the Word. In the mid-1990s, a church in Mn. was sued by the IRS for tithe money given to it by a couple that allegedly owed back taxes.

On the same web site that carried this story, is the recounting of how a pastor, his wife & 9 of his 11 children are being thrown out of their home due to a lawsuit from Planned Parenthood.


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I did not know about this case, but yes I have known in general what has been going on.

Pastor Art


This Christian website offers no backup for this. And when I do a search on the womans name, Anne Marie Booth, under several different news sources, nothing comes up. I also did a search on Grove City, PA and still nothing comes up for Anne Marie Booth. Chester County - Nothing. Philly.com - Nothing. www.whptv.com - nothing. www.nbc10.com - nothing. I would think if someone like that was arrested, they would have something in the news somewhere. Even if it were just a small article. Do you have any NEWS sites the show this actually happened? I'm sure you wouldn't trust a Pagan site saying a Pagan was arrested after the statute of limitations on misdemeanor charges......

Cheese Fairy - Mummified2007-11-13T16:58:30Z

Statutes of limitations vary with city, municipality, and state. If it was considered a federal offense, there is no statute of limitations.

Until or unless it come out what type of warrant it was, you cannot claim persecution.

BTW - if she has a warrant outstanding like that and was arrested on it, it is likely she was very militant, to the point of assaulting someone - a patient attending the clinic, a doctor or staff, or a police officer.

Maybe you should consider what those poor girls have to go through, with you militant christians spitting on them, hitting them, calling them whores and worse. They already have a tough decision that some never get over- so kind of you to make things worse.

Green is my Favorite Color2007-11-13T17:22:46Z

A warrant never goes away.

My politics aside, the lady broke the law. The warrant was finally served.

This has nothing to do with being a pro-life Christian. And I do not classify this under "persecution." I do classify the lady's action as "bad judgement."

respects regards and peace


There may be a statute of limitations on the CHARGE, but this was a WARRANT. The fact of it being a warrant means that she likely did not appear to face the charges (and jumped bail) or did not appear to serve her time on the original charge.

This is not persecution, but rather, the legal system serving the warrant.....

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