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Were you aware of this Christian persecution in America?

This is ridiculous. There is a statute of limitations on misdemeanor charges, especially trespassing.

However, this is a small example of what pro-life Christians have dealt with for 30 + years.


This woman does, indeed, exist. I've known her since 1992. She lives across the street from the man who runs the Missionaries to the Unborn web site.

The original charge was for trespassing. Back when this "offense" originally occurred, that was the standard charge given to pro-lifers who went on the abortuary property. She did not "skip bail" or any such thing. In the past, these charges have been routinely dismissed after a short time, as the cities know that these are misdemeanors, akin to traffic offenses.

She was arrested in Grove City, Pa., but the warrant was issued by Paoli, Pa., across the state from Grove City/Philly.

She was held without benefit of seeing a lawyer for 4 days. She has since been transferred to the Chester, Pa. facility.

Update 2:

For Pln: In the 18 years I've been interceding for the mothers and their children, I've never once seen a mother spat upon OR hit by any pro-lifer. I know this is a common canard perpetrated by pro-abortion people, but it is simply not true.

Update 3:

For maranatha132: This is an example of what has been going on in our country for several years. Pastors have been arrested for preaching the Gospel from street corners. Others have been physically assaulted for preaching the Word. In the mid-1990s, a church in Mn. was sued by the IRS for tithe money given to it by a couple that allegedly owed back taxes.

On the same web site that carried this story, is the recounting of how a pastor, his wife & 9 of his 11 children are being thrown out of their home due to a lawsuit from Planned Parenthood.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did not know about this case, but yes I have known in general what has been going on.

    Pastor Art

  • River
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This Christian website offers no backup for this. And when I do a search on the womans name, Anne Marie Booth, under several different news sources, nothing comes up. I also did a search on Grove City, PA and still nothing comes up for Anne Marie Booth. Chester County - Nothing. - Nothing. - nothing. - nothing. I would think if someone like that was arrested, they would have something in the news somewhere. Even if it were just a small article. Do you have any NEWS sites the show this actually happened? I'm sure you wouldn't trust a Pagan site saying a Pagan was arrested after the statute of limitations on misdemeanor charges......

  • 1 decade ago

    Statutes of limitations vary with city, municipality, and state. If it was considered a federal offense, there is no statute of limitations.

    Until or unless it come out what type of warrant it was, you cannot claim persecution.

    BTW - if she has a warrant outstanding like that and was arrested on it, it is likely she was very militant, to the point of assaulting someone - a patient attending the clinic, a doctor or staff, or a police officer.

    Maybe you should consider what those poor girls have to go through, with you militant christians spitting on them, hitting them, calling them whores and worse. They already have a tough decision that some never get over- so kind of you to make things worse.

  • A warrant never goes away.

    My politics aside, the lady broke the law. The warrant was finally served.

    This has nothing to do with being a pro-life Christian. And I do not classify this under "persecution." I do classify the lady's action as "bad judgement."

    respects regards and peace

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There may be a statute of limitations on the CHARGE, but this was a WARRANT. The fact of it being a warrant means that she likely did not appear to face the charges (and jumped bail) or did not appear to serve her time on the original charge.

    This is not persecution, but rather, the legal system serving the warrant.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is it possible that she left the area to evade the charges? Or that she was supposed to appear in court and did not?

    If either was the case, the police have the right to bring her before a judge. If she was held without having access to representation, she can sue. But she still has to own up to her crime.

    And not only in the judicial sense. God would want her to be responsible for her actions, as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    No where in the article did I see a word about the charge being for trespass, or that it was a misdemeanor. More likely considering where it was, it was a felony charge.

    You example merely shows someone who broke the law finally having to answer for it.

  • alikij
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I guess it's a good thing she wasn't trying to dodge a parking ticket. They might throw away the key. Yeah, this is ridiculous. I've heard of worse, though, like a suburban mom getting hauled off in handcuffs (!) because of an overdue library book. OK, it was overdue by about 10 years, but, really, what a huge waste of time. Couldn't that county just have put a $12.00 lien on her house or something? Our justice system is a mess, but I don't think any of us can fix it. God will fix it when the time comes. We just have to be patient.

  • 1 decade ago

    Persecution of Christians in America? Oh Please!

    I'm a Canadian, and a Chrisitian, and (with the greatest respect) your question is NONSENSE.

    A few years ago, a Canadian police officer was suspended. "Pro-life" people copied down the licence numbers of cars parked outside an abortion clinic, the constable ran the numbers through the police computer, and the owners of the cars got abusive and threatening phone calls from members of the constable's church.

    I suppose you think that the constable got "persecuted" for his faith too. I'm a Christian, but I would have fired the guy for doing that.

    America is not Uganda, and America is not Iran. People are NOT persecuted for religious beliefs of any kind--they are HELD ACCOUNTABLE IF THEY BREAK THE LAW IN THE NAME OF THEIR BELIEFS.

    There is a huge difference between getting persecuted, and considering yourself above the law. Nobody is above the law, and Jesus Himself said that. It is from Him that I derive my authority.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every segment of society has delt with that at some time or another. Try giving that argument to an Afo-american to sho how you have been persecuted. Tell a Puerto Rican about how put down you are.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    inspite of the reality that that's actual that the founding fathers did no longer prefer to choose on one faith over yet another, the rationalization they did this replaced into in general by way of fact they have been pressured, in England, to undertake the religion of the king. by ability of making the united states a central authority exterior of church, they allowed anybody to prepare despite faith they needed. in spite of the shown fact that, the main well liked rationalization for the founding of many colonies (that later progressed into states) replaced into non secular in foundation. Pennsylvania replaced into based by ability of William Penn so as that Quakers could prepare unfastened from the Puritans in Salem. The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock wrote the 1st governmental record, The Mayflower Compact, which later grew to develop into needed in the writing of the form and this record replaced into fairly non secular as nicely as in keeping with threat being somewhat undemanding experience. So anybody who particularly thinks that our usa replaced into no longer in keeping with sometype of non secular concepts is unsuitable. Even the Greeks Democratic Republic, which our usa's set up replaced into kind after, got here from Greek philosophy which replaced into area of their non secular practices. sturdy morals, suited and incorrect, are undemanding experience. yet while speaking with regard to the founding of our usa, we would desire to confirm all their is - then and now.

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