why did the navy restrict base access to normal good human being who made a mistake and got a misdaminor charg
the us navy is being mean and to strict! anyone who has any kind of charge cannot get onto the base to work. that is garbage! i served 5 years in the navy on the base and never stole anything or did anything bad or wrong to the navy. now the navy is unfairly pointing the finger at me like im a bad person or a suspect!!!!!!!!
how would you feel if your brother or sister or child had a good job that they worked hard for and believed in and tried to do everything right. then the navy just took away that job for no reason.
not like the person did anything wrong to the navy or on the base even. was not a state or federal problem. lets say this person has kids and mouths to feed and with out warning the navy just takes away the base id? no more money or food or benifits or anything all because of a charge from 3 or 4 years ago that the person completed all requirements. completed what the courts said and paid thier price. SHOULD THEY BE PUNISHED AGAIN AND AGAIN? i wasnt part of 9/11.
wow , you hypocrites! you are the ones that didnt get caught! you lied you sinned, you have all sinned, you were all created equal! as me! you have cussed before and lost your temper. we have all made mistakes and now you think you have the right to judge me with out asking for all the information? you sit in your chair and cast out a judgment against me to cover the truth your running from. you have a person in your family in jail or prision or who was. im saying i have worked for a year after i got charged and was trust worthy and earned my respect and trust. i proved my self. and if you think for a second that a person who tried some caffine pills and had a bad reaction and smacked there wife should not be allowed on base then your a sick and twisted person. DONT GET ON HERE AND BASH ME TO MAKE YOUR SELF LOOK BETTER! right now one of you cuses and one cheats and one masterbates and one lies and one steals and all of you make a mockery of god. all that decide to judge me. jesus didnt
a misdaminor charge has nothing to do with national security! this is just a way to oppress the poor! this is an outrage. this is discrimination. never in the history of the military base have they had any problems directly realated to a past charge from someone who is a contractor. this is just some one who lives everyday looking at everybody but them selves and who is heartless and judgemental. whats next to say if you were ever suspended from school or if you ever got a speeding ticket? ok if you smoke ciggerets or if you drink then dont go on base because you are a national security threat! you are a bad person! this is garbage. my grandpa was a colonel and my other an mm e5 and and my dad a mm2 e5 and my mom an e5 sargent. im not a bad person. i dont smoke i dont drink i dont use drugs, i go to church i read the bible i am saved and born again. i guess i should just start today running from myself and my life and just look at everybody elses life and say wow you a bad person.
no i didnt forget to tell them about it. and you are a mean know it all jerk! your attitude stinks and your sex life sucks. i hope you dont have kids.people like you should get a misdamenor for your mouth. the navy just changed their rules. i told my company from the start! you should read your bible from front to back. then you wouldnt be so quick to judge and you would have a spirit of discernment which right now you dont. you would also have a spirit of compasion. i hope bad bad things happen to you and you go to jail so god can show you what its like. people can be so mean and heartless and uncaring and your no different from them. get a life with the lord and let him soften your heart. im sorry that you parents didnt do what ever it took to teach you compassion and understanding and healing. send your kids my way if you want them to be nice and compassionate some day. im the type of guy who would help u if your car was broke down or buy you a drink if it was hot or look for u
this is happening to everybody. a guy who didnt know it was illeagel to drink on the front porch and got aressted for drinking in public! he cant go on the base! give me a break! this is just a way for the goverenment to try to shift around the work force in and around the military. everybody wants that good military job and people weather they deserve it or not are fighting for it. military make way more money then you or I were talking 35000, 40,000 50,000 and thats just married enlisted. officers are making 3 to 8 times that. i paid taxes to build these bases all my life and each and everyone of my family members have also. and now you self rightouches people who are good at spelling have the right to try to take away what ever you can so you can have more for your greedy little selves. the navy just doesnt have 1 airplane or LCAC or ship they have to many canada has 100 F18 we got 1100! we waste all this money but yet go to get a job out in town here and got to many retirees that