I like him,he likes her. Sick of this same old story.?

They're both a grade above me. I'm almost 100% sure they like eachother. She's really pretty, and kinda perfect, as much as I hate to admit it. I'm friends with some of his friends, but I hardly know him. Okay, I don't know him. But I want to win him over from the other girl. I can't stand this same story. What should I do?


Favorite Answer

girl if i was you i would move on and find someone else. because all you are doing is setting yourself up to get hurt. then if it don't work out between them then try it but not while he is with this girl no. just be there for him right now ad show him what good friends ya'll could be at first , and let him learn how too trust you before just jump into a relationship. and also if i was you iwould let him learn she can't be trusted. but get in the middle of it . because u don't want to get hurt to


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what love is ? one thinf face down another , try your best ,if really can't give your best wishes for them