For Girls only!?

If a guy kisses u, and u just stand still, what does it mean? cuz i kissed a girl 2 days after i meet her, and we barely even talked. i was drunk and she wasnt , and I kissed her on her neck and lips, she was standing still. what does it mean? I am confused


Favorite Answer

If that were me it would mean that I wasn't really into you. Drunk people are gross to kiss if you aren't drunk too. They smell like booze and are sloppy. So she could be into you but having some drunk hanging on her may have made her slightly tense.


Most likely she freaked out or she's just surprised on what had happened and also she maybe inexperienced.


she didnt like it
or if she is very inexperienced she's super suprised


She frozed/ nervous/ dont know what to do.


hmm....if you were noticably drunk she may have been wondering WTF? being that you recently met her and all.

may i suggest trying to doing it all over again, but this time be sober!