Has it finally reached a point here in Yahoo Answer where only a few can talk intelligently about baseball?
The problem seems to be that we have now been invaded by so many immature, unknowledgeable, hateful individuals, who are hell bent on ruining this website for eveyone else. There are copycats, racists, stalkers, and extremely poor comdians who feel that it is necessary to make a mockery of this site. I'd like your opinions and if you agree star my question. What can we do to correct the problem?
Just so you all know, I've given everyone thus far a thumbs up for your answers. However we seem to have struck a nerve. It would seem that those guilty of these offenses have joined us and given many of you thumbs down for telling the truth. Please pass this question on. Maybe if enough people read and answer it the closer we can come to some kind of solution.
Great answers so far! I don't feel that I'm being over sensitive to this issue. It's no fun being followed around the website by two stalkers who find it necessary to make derogatory remarks about every question or answer I'm involved with. That can't do it anymore as I've blocked them. However they do find me through other questions that are posted and continue their attack. I find it very disturbing, as in strange!
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I know just what you mean. I see a lot of questions along the lines of "Why are Yankee fans so arrogant" or "Why are Red Sox fans so stupid". Then someone else will answer, "Yeah, they're a bunch of ********, and they'll get best answer. These "questions" are not posted to acquire any information or promote rational discussion, they're simply a thinly veiled attempt to bash others. There are questions like that regarding other teams too sometimes, but most of the hate is directed toward those two teams.
The fact is, as long as you are a fan of any team, there will be people you've never met who will hate you for it. You will never be able to change that or reason with them, and the best thing to do is not try.
Most of them are probably about 12-15 years old, and the fact that they think hating people they never met based solely on the baseball team they like is a sound idea proves that their opinions aren't worth listening to anyway.
The best thing to do is ignore them. The only reason they post their nonsense is to take delight in the ruckus they cause. If instead of angry replies their posts are met with the sound of crickets chirping, most will grow weary of it, tuck their tail between their legs and scuttle off.
You'll never be able to stop people from posting drivel, but you can make it unenjoyable for them to post it, and therefore take away their motive to do so.
I'll admit that I've answered a couple of the questions from the rabbit with the food obsession though. His questions are inane, but every once in a while it's fun to have a question like that--something you don't have to overthink and can just have fun with. His questions aren't designed to put anyone down, so I don't mind them.
Well, one can not be really counted as a real baseball until he has vast knowledge about the game, the history, the stats, and all the human stories behind it. Unfortunately, most people call themselves baseball fans simply because they want certain teams to win regardless of the circumstances.
As for solving the problems, I don't think it's gonna happen. Y!A staff makes it clear that they would not try to improve the qualtiy of the answers. Only the quantity of answers and the quantity of the web pages generated are all that's needed so there will be more ad revenue. It's sad, but it is happening on all sections of Y!A categories.
There's a difference between being an educated fan and being a bandwagon fan. I thought morst of the ignorance would go away after the playoffs when the badwagoner would go back to polls or riddles... but boy was I wrong.
I love than YA has such a diverse group - fans from alll over the place... and still have respect for what other fans have to say.
There are a couple who are just stupid. I hate to admit that some of these are fellow Tribe fans... but ignorance is everywhere.
As far as what we can do to correct the problem... I would think it might work as to not entertain thier questions and answers... but that'll never happen. I can only speak for myself, but when I see someone talking all sorts of falsities about baseball - I have to step up and set him/her straight.
Maybe as time goes on... they'll actually learn a thing or two and develop into more educated fans.
I'm not a Christian, but I could just as easily say; If you think you're so smart yourself, how come you're nothing but an ignorant anti-semetic biggot with nothing better to do until their minimum wage job starts than to troll the religion section on Yahoo Answers. They may not be intellegiently designed, or they may be very intelligently designed, since they don't post their ADHD inducing rants on a discussion site, but in YOUR defence, you've successfully managed to proove that artificial intelligence is no substitution for natural stupidity.
I totally agree with you. I posted a question a long time ago for a category for silly/stupid questions. I was wondering if we should have a category for that since there seems to be lots of those people on here. I have no problem with people trying to be funny and failing, but I do have a problem with trying to be funny and being hateful instead. I am not too sure how we can correct the problem except for reporting people like that. I always enjoy your questions though. It's nice to have another intelligent baseball fan here (aside from myself that is ;-) )