haven't seen my husband in four months, i'm nervous?
My husband and I seperated after 2 yrs of mairrage We decided to get back together pretty shortly after we seperated, but I haven't actually seen him since the last part of July. I'm flying down to meet him tonight and we are going to drive back to where I am currently at. I'm so nervous! He has gotten really fit in these four months and I ....well still have a bit of baby belly, not much but I'm sure its not attractive, although I've never told him that I'm so insecure about it. Ugh...I'm scared he's gonna be dissapointed with me and regret wanting me back...how can I just stop thinking and relax!! I act all bubbly and happy when I talk to him but I'm so scared inside
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if he wanted to try again, he will love you regardless. to most men things like "baby bellies" don't even bother them because it's a direct result of having their child and most men appreciate that more than anything. he probably still loves you enough so try not to stress too much. i can't tell you not to be nervous... but it will be okay as soon as you both see each other again!
She will be fine and no she will not forget you. I would go to your parents a few days early, just so baby can get used to the environment and them. You will be there to show any secret things that she likes and that sooth her. She will be loved and cherished while you are gone and you will get to see your husband. It is important that yall keep your relationship strong and a visit would help with that. I couldn't imagine being away from my husband that long. There is no reason to feel bad about leaving her. It would be a lot harder if she was older because then she would care a lot more about being left. So now is a great time to go visit. Enjoy and safe travels.
Relax. He still has those feelings for you that he had when you two were together. Just the fact that he wants to get back together is a good sign. It doesn't really matter how you look. He is probably looking at you with his heart and not his eyes anyway. So, just put on something nice and have a good time with him. : )
I think it's nice to have butterflies....it means you care. But have them for the right reasons. It sounds like you are concerned that you are for one reason or another not going to be good enough for him. What is making you think this way? I think you have to get out of that mindset and make sure this relationship is healthy for you. I'm not saying that it isn't, but I'm hearing a lot of self-doubt in your question. I'm sure there is a reason he wants to try again with you....and I'm sure it's because he realizes you are a great person.
if he loves you for who you are... nothing to worry. just relax and play by the ear. You think being you fit will really makes him stay? What was really the cause of your separation to begin with? Is it worth having a second chance? It's normal to feel nervous... just go for it baby