How do I get rid of squirrels in my attic?
They've been in my attic for a couple of months now. I called somebody from Pest Control and all they did was screen the entries, but they still got in somehow.
They've been in my attic for a couple of months now. I called somebody from Pest Control and all they did was screen the entries, but they still got in somehow.
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We had them too - my husband put traps up and waited about a week and got half of them (i know it's sad but whatcha gonna do), then he called the pest people and they came to get the rest. He then sealed up the small opening where they were getting in. Good Luck!
We paid $1K for a company to come in and install these 1 way doors, the squirrels would go out for food, but wouldn't be able to get back in. The company also screened everything and put up metal flashing around the roof's entry points. That was 2 years ago and no squirrels have been in there since.
They are really hard to get rid of. Don't let anyone poison them because they'll crawl into your walls and die and you won't be able to get them out. Then the whole place will smell and you'll get bugs and it turns into a terrible mess. You can try to set humane traps to catch them and then relocate them somewhere else but you have to be persistent and check the cages everyday. The squirrels are coming in there because this time of year they need a warm place to build a nest. You can set up squirrel houses around outside and they'll probably be happy to build nests there.
More specifically, do a search for humane animal traps. We used to get squirrels in our attic quite frequently. Once you get them though, you have to drive a few miles away and let them out, or they'll find there way back.
They must be getting in another way. We had a hole in the side of the roof. They pulled the insulation out and got in that way. Once we boarded it up they haven't been back.
Put some nuts or squirrel food on the outside to entice them out (there may be babies or a nest in there) then plug up any holes (and there could be many) so they dont come back in. If you can get into the attic yourself, see if you can find the nest and move it out. They wont come back in if the nest is out and babies are safe.
Or call the pest control people and tell them you still have squirrels and to come back and take care of it.