Does anybody know of a phone/PDA that will play Windows Media Player online radio?

Does anyone know of a mobile phone that will play like online streaming radio/audio?

I'm talking either the Microsoft's (.asx) or (.asf) audio formats.... Specifically, I'd like to stream several of the radio stations from the Caribbean over my mobile phone....

* I95.5 fm (Trinidad and Tobago) -

* Radio Masala 101.1 fm (Trinidad and Tobago)

In addition, there's also a protocal I see used sometimes namely mms:// any mobile phones also allow this too???

Soca 91.9fm (Trinidad and Tobago) -



Favorite Answer

i know the 8125 ,8525 and tilt and blackjacki607
will play the .asx and .mms protocol
i do it all the time on my phones streaming from
As far as .asf i haven,t tried it because all of the ones i stream are one of the other two.
Almost all windows mobile 5 or 6 phones will.
I say almost because i know the windows mobile will but some networks block certain features but they can be added back to the phone
While you are looking make sure they have
bluetooth a2dp support so you can listen with a bluetooth stereo headset.

i tried all three you listed on my 8525 to make sure and they all worked fine


domicile windows media participant genuinely has a radio in it. choose the radio tuner decision, and they have a good number of radio stations to settle on from. some will open a sparkling website to be performed, yet maximum will play properly contained in the media participant.


don't think that is possible yet! sorri!