Traditions - I meant do you practice your own traditions and beliefs adapted from the different sects of Wicca or do you just follow one?
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"Do you practice your beliefs in a coven or alone" Both.
"Do you follow all the traditions or only some" It is impossible to follow all the traditions of Wicca, as each tradition (sect) of Wicca has its own set of practices and, for example, if I were to practice the traditional November Eve of 5 traditions I know, I would have to be doing 5 different rites simultaneously.
Edit: RE: your additional information. I am a member of one tradition, although I have been a welcomed guest at the rites of another. That being said, I follow a tradition that encourages the rational and *contextual* exploration of the rites of many people and places. I am also proudly polyfaithed, and practice what can be seen as one or two additional religions that do not contradict Wicca nor compete with it. By the way, I have stressed contextual because the reason I am polyfaithed is because I understand the context of both of my religions.
I practice alone or with my husband. Every now & then, we'll attend a public circle or have a small ritual with friends. We tried a coven but it didn't work out. Wouldn't mind getting into another one if we could find a compatible one.
There are so many different sects that have different beliefs so it's hard to answer the question about following traditions. Most have some tenets in common (such as all or part of the Wiccan Rede), which I try to follow. I do follow the Wiccan calandar of Esbats & Sabbats.