Has anyone had the fetal fibronectin test?

I had this test done today and it was negative, meaing I should not go into labor within the next 2 weeks, which is good since I'm only 23 weeks along. If you've had this test, what was the outcome of the test, and was it correct? Thank you.

Senator John McClain2007-12-05T18:02:59Z

Favorite Answer

My wife had one 2 weeks ago today. She was 27 1/2 weeks and it was negative. So far, she still hasn't had the baby.

(She's on bed rest, though because she has pre-term contractions.)

Amber S2007-12-05T17:46:39Z

I had one done at 32 weeks, and it was positive. I had my second one done at 34 weeks and it was also positive. I had another one done at 36 weeks, and it was POSITIVE! I am now 37 weeks pregnant... no baby yet. I was told that they are horrible inaccurate, with a high rate of false neg and pos.


Sorry to say, but I never heard of the test before..
I wish you Good Luck, I`m sure everything will be ok...
My Best....