Why is it that the Republican elite won't give Ron Paul a fair shake?

Why is it that the Republican elite won't give Ron Paul a fair shake?

They keep throwing barriers in his way and using Republican propaganda outfits to slander and attack him. Why are they afraid of Ron Paul's popularity?


Favorite Answer

Because he is a true conservative Republican, and not a corporate Neo-Con shmuck. Because he believes in smaller gov. and ending the war in Iraq.


it is exceedingly obvious that except human beings help Ron Paul they have not got any enter different than passive television viewing. absolutely everyone that does no longer help Ron Paul lies with impunity and does no longer enable applicants equivalent time with the aid of fact absolutely everyone that does no longer help Ron Paul lies approximately television Polls in the event that they do no longer look to be of the Neo Conservative schedule or the trendy one. It would not plenty rely as people who don't help Ron Paul are the two the hot enterprise and that they purvey lies and superiority complexes to their vulnerable egoed visitors. Ron Paul is a god and all of us ought to bow right down to Ron Paul. If somebody doesn’t help Ron Paul they're a liar and should no longer be allowed to vote.


...Hello Samantha...Well...I think it's because Ron Paul is for bringing our country back home which means he's for the people here in our country...kinda like a JFK.\
The sad part is those in D.C. are re-inventing everything for themselves...their own Constitution...words to blame the mess on like- "NEO=CON -(It should be George=Dick)...TERROR...Bogey man Laden(YALE Alumni)-correct me if i'm wrong...
The "Elite" Republican party in D.C. think they can get away with everything they do with a clever P.R.firm...forever...because they are unchallenged...the reason they are not challenged is everyone in Washington has skeletons in their closet and are now potential victims of a a crafty little plot of logic that is being spun on the daily by the Bush/Cheney team-it's called-AD-HOMINEM>yes I invented that...(Look it up it's interesting)-they attack the man or woman that attempts to get in their way...or push them aside and ignore them with a snear...
I wish we can get back to the real words written in OUR Constitution...and for some reason the words of Henry Clay keep ringing in my ear about trust(Anyone kno it?)...great words about those that we giv or gave a "position"of political power too? How can the majority in this country let them know that they are not given an anvil of power for themselves but a trust...a trust to do the right thing...?
So-why would they giv a Ron Paul a nomination? Because they will lose the money they are all getting in kickbacks from foreign aid and then some home? They do not care about the masses any more because we let them get away with tackling our Middle class for far too long...if they didn't take half our earnings we would have more time to get together...unfortunately we are all so busy working that we are forgetting about our families and our government...there will probably be a class war here someday...are they concerned...no...because they are investing the money they take from us in remote/retreat places that they can run and hide...Paraguay comes to mind(Yes,I am being sarcastic)...that's how little trust I hav....and I don't think I'm alone...oh...and thanks to a fine medical check up two weeks ago-I hav a normal state of mind and am good for another 50 years=)

ronpaul supporter2007-12-06T11:04:10Z

I think they are afraid that he represents what the Constitution actually says and that makes the other "Republican" candidates look really bad. What got my attention about him is that he has voted Constitutionally all the way through his time in Congress. That takes guts to stand up in there. I think they are afraid that if he is that gutsy in Congress, what would he do to them if he were President? His veto pen power would be scary to all the Liberal Republicans like Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and sad to say it, even Mike Huckabee in some of his decisions. They wouldn't be able to open up the NAFTA Super Highway which I am totally against because it would put my family and lots of my friend's families out of work. Ron Paul's veto pen in definitely scaring the Liberal Republicans!


The base of the Republican party is not going to give Paul a fair shake in this election because they are no longer true conservatives - In the sense the term was originally applied in this case. The only arena in which most of today's Republicans are conservative anymore are social issues. Otherwise, They are globalists; Who believe in big government and deficit spending. They do not believe in the right to privacy and advocate big brother infringing on other personal liberties at will.

Ron Paul is what Republicans used to be when the party was worth consideration...

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