We were asked to write a letter to help stop the closing of our community elementary school - any suggestions?

When the news of closing John Wickes Elementary School was brought to my attention I was upset, upset that my child is going to lose out because of dollars and cents.
Please consider these questions:
1. If John Wickes is closed and students are divided among other schools than will the larger class size cause students to lose out on the personal attention that they would receive in a smaller class?
2. With this increase in the other schools will there be less motivation by staff and students and less parental involvement?
3. Studies show students academic progress decreases when students are removed from a stable environment – will this happen to the students who have been enrolling at John Wickes year after year?
My only concern as a parent is to my daughter’s education and the staff at John Wickes has shown me that they too put education first. The principal, teachers, and volunteers at John Wickes continue to play an important role in the education of the children of the Greenwood Community and to close down this school would show the little concern the city has on the disruption it will cause for the families who continue to send their children to John Wickes.


The above is the letter I intend to submit - does it sound okay?


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Good arguments.

You might want to add something about the value of the neighborhood school and its lifelong effect in terms of making lasting friendships - kids play together at home and at school, if that would apply to your situation. A neighborhood school is more of a family atmosphere than a central school. Kids form better support groups for each other when they attend a neighborhood school and issues such as bullying are less likely to occur and easier to deal with when they do.

I hope these thoughts help. Best of luck with it. Your issue is one that is happening here in Canada too.