Can anyone give me a clear definition of a lazy man?


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Laziness usually means that one lacks motivation to do things, especially with regard to things that need to get done.

However, since I am a fairly lazy person myself, I think the normal definition is wrong. Lazy people don't lack motivation per se, they simply focus their energies on themselves. In other words, lazy folks are more concerned with satisfying their own impulses than with dealing with the world.


Someone who stops trying to live. They aren't actively seeking death, but they've given up on the idea that anything in life is worth any effort. They also tend to possess a sick kind of greed. That is, since they aren't willing to do anything for themselves, they want to see how much they can get others to do for them.

Kyle J2007-12-07T08:27:06Z

A Man who doesn't uses his human reason but his sensations to give unacceptable excuses. A man who is unwillingly to do something that has to be done.


some one who can't do something only on the terms of "They don't want to" so instead they sit down and do nothing!

G uilty i'm very lazy!


Someone who sits on their rusty dusty while everyone else is working. No motivation to get up and help.

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