I have a daughter that is 2 years old and my hubby and I are talking about having another baby now. I really want another baby but I am scared it may be too soon, but then on that hand I dont think I want my kids to be that far apart in age and I dont want her to be an only child. But I am scared that having 2 kids that young is going to be beyond hard. But my daughter would be almost 3 if I got pregnant right now so then again, it wouldnt be THAT hard right???
How far apart are your first and 2nd child? Do you wish there was less or more of an age gap between them? If so why? Pros and cons on having kids about 3 years apart???
WOW! Thank you ALL so much for the supportive answers!
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ok let me start by saying I was in the same shoes lol ok my 1st and 2nd are almost 3 years apart my 1st was born feb 21 2002 and 2nd was jan 18 2005! yeah like I said pretty close to being 3 years apart! I loved it!!!!! My oldest was so cute while I was pregnant!! She would kiss and love on my belly all day if I let her! After my 2nd came my 1st was all about hellping!! I love my girls being not to close but close in age now I also have a 3rd which is alittle over 2 years younger then 2nd like i said 1st was feb 21 2002 2nd was jan 18 2005 and 3rd was feb 2 2007!!!!! It was still very cool to watch my 2nd do the same things as my 1st did! Now Im also pregnant with 4th and yes my 3rd is only 10 months! I love every sec of it!!!! Good luck and I hope this helps!!!!
ps I found it somewhat easy with my 1st 2 b/c my 1st would help out!!!!
I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my boy, and my son is 16 1/2 months old. So they're going to be a little less than a year and a half apart. Sometimes I do feel like it may be a little too soon, but since I stay home with the babies and my husband works it'll be a lot easier on me than if I had to send them to daycare or something. And while I'll be very busy and have TONS of daipers to change for awhile, it's going to be great not having to deal with the baby stage AND the preschooler stage at the same time. I think the age gap will be perfect. My husband's sisters are 11 months apart and they've always been very close. In contrast, my mother and her sister are six years apart and there was always a jealousy issue (on my mother's part - she's the older one), even now in their 40s. My brother and I are three years apart. I liked to help take care of him when he was a baby. As preteens we fought ALL THE TIME, but I think it was just a clash of our personalities and not anything to do with age. We are planning on having another baby eventually, but not soon. I want to have an age gap of about three years, and I'm hoping for a girl. I think the two older boys would be great with a young sister.
My first two are 22 months apart and it really wasn't hard at all. I've heard from several people it's harder when the first child is older because mom forgets what that whole baby stage is like and the older child is used to being alone. I would think 3 years would be perfect. They are so much more independent at that age then she is even now. I am pregnant again and my youngest and this baby will be 17 months apart...which has me a little scared! I'm not worried about my (now) 3 year old at all though. He's so easy to take care of now and I know we'll be fine.
my son was 17 months old when i got pregnant with my daughter. so he had turned 2 two months before she was born. now my daughter is 16 months and im 18 weeks pregnant with #3. she had just turned 12 months when i got pregnant with this one. i have a REALLY hard time with the 2. like i said my daughters 16 months and my sons 3 1/2. There is so much jealousy with them and are there is constant screaming fighting and crying going on between them. I can only imagine what it's going to be like with a newborn added in! We also have to get a new vehicle because our cavalier wont fit 3 car seats. Thats another thing to consider when planning more kids. But your only having your second so you should be alright :) My kids mean the world to me despite the fact they drive me crazy. Im not really sure whether or not i would have them farther apart or not. I think it would have been way easier, but then again i don't know because i havent been there. oh yeah, my daughter will be 21 months when this baby comes.
My daughter was 2 1/2 months old when we found out we were pregnant again. My 1st child just turned 1 on Dec. 4th and my 2nd daughter was born on Nov. 9th.. So they are about 11 months apart. (both girls) ... Anyhow, I like the age gap between them although I should have waited until my 1st was at least 1 before trying for another baby...but it didn't work out that way. However, I am happy they are so close together in age. I think you are at a great time to have another child. I personally wouldn't want to go more than 3 years before having another baby because they won't be as close in age and probably won't care to play with each other. My 2 younger sisters are 3 years apart..I am 4 years older than one of my sisters and we never got along. (Still dont)......Everyone told me that having a newborn and a 1 year old would be very hard.. and although at times it can be overwhelming, it's not as bad as they say....and with your soon to be 3 yr old, she is old enough to help you with things like getting diapers and such for you.. my 1 yr old doesnt understand that stuff yet.
It's really up to you and your patience level. I have a good patience level and nothing really stresses me out when it comes to them both being close in age.. .