Besides Search engines, what are other ways to get traffic to your website?


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Sure, basically any idea that works for "brick & mortar" businesses. Marketing is marketing. The only difference (which really isn't one when you think about it) is do you have what the customer/visitor wants? That's how search engines narrow it down & how it goes outside the virtual world.

Think about how you end up at sites or "brick & mortar" businesses. What caught your eye? I can think of a great campaign on a expressway a few yrs ago for a poetry site on a giant billboard. Millions stuck in traffic saw that sign. While I bet it cost buko bucks, I bet it paid out in the end for the owner. I live in a pretty big city next to a rather large lake with tons of windy politicians.

So your not rich in $$$. I bet you can think of ways to get the word out for whatever you are doing. Write an article, get on your local tv station (if you can figure out a good reason for your 15 min of fame), donate stuff/time/info to local charities/schools/libraries ect... The idea is to get your name out there in the community you are trying to reach. Try hooking up with compatible partners. That way you can share prospective visitors. I have no idea what your site is about so my answer is limited, but I'm sure you get the idea & can think of ways to get your site out there.

I'd suggest you visit your local library (big fan of free books) & wander through the marketing section.

Good luck!


Find a site that gets loads of traffic and ask if you can buy some advertising space for 1 month, then create a small tag for your website and use that as your link. It will only take one month if the site you chose gets millions of hits per week. The local news papers are a good starting point, they are cheap and pretty much everyone in your local area will be visiting it. Or try a large metropolitan paper like the Dallas news papers, they get tons of traffic!

The bottom line is advertising, and the quickest way is with a tag on a high traffic website linked to yours!



I would go for forum traffic.

For targeted and continous traffic. When you post on forum, you will generate backlink to your website from your signature.
The more you post, the more backlink you get and more visitor will flood your website.

And from forum, you can learn something new too.Right?

But there are sure other way to get more traffic. Article directories are around.use them and submit your arcticles.

There are thousands of blogs on the internet.You can use them by comment on these blogs and link back to your site.

What else. Distributing free ebook with your website link will also increase your website traffic.

Hope this helps.

jerry g2007-12-12T19:33:38Z

You can buy banners, or use email. Usually banners are sold on the cpm (cost per thousand impressions) sometimes you can get them on the cpc (cost per click) or on the cpa (cost per action)

Generally email is all done on the cpa. You need to find some email/media companies that do email. Some media companies handle both banners and email.

I am an internet marketing consultant. Generally what I do is help people that sell their products online.

Please review this article I wrote... not all pertains to you but towards the bottom there are some media buying tips you may want to look at. Buying media can be tricky... be careful.


One of the things that I have learned in my years as an internet marketing consultant is there are several important questions that need to be asked before you take a company to the next level. Spontaneous growth can be fatal, if not very painful for a company that is not prepared.

Unfortunately I learned this lesson the hard way. One of the first companies I worked with was selling a weight loss supplement and was doing a few hundred sales a month.

When they came to me, I examined their site, and made the proper adjustments. After the site was optimized for sales, we tested for conversions with some email drops, and were convinced we were ready to start buying media.

Now before I go any further, here is where I should have asked the client some very important questions.

1. How much processing power do you have with your merchant accounts?
2. How long does it take manufacturing to get you and order of your supplements?
3. Can your manufacturing handle a spike in demand should we need more product?
4. Can your fulfillment house handle an increase in orders?

The above questions are among some of the first I should have asked the client, as opposed to asking later.

The problems for this client started when their manufacturing could not keep up with the spike in demand for increased orders. When they could not fulfill the incoming orders on time the customers started canceling and doing charge backs to the credit card companies. The chargeback’s caused the merchant accounts to freeze the money creating a cash flow issue. As a result of the cash flow issue, the client was not able to pay their bills including their media costs, and all advertising came to a grinding halt.

As you can see we had a serious mess on our hands. Fortunately for this company they were able to recover, but it took them quite a long to do so, and they are still in business today. Not all companies should be so lucky, so it’s important to monitor growth and make sure you are ready to take your company to next level by ensuring the proper measures are in place.

You should know how much merchant account processing power you have. Until you establish yourself you are at the mercy of your merchant accounts. If you are just starting out with your first merchant account, the standard processing amount is 30k per month. If you think you’re going to need more, then get another and be prepared to switch accounts once you hit the limit on the other.

Talk to you manufacturing and see if they can handle an increase in orders if need be. Before you roll out your media campaign have more product on hand then you need in case there is lag time with manufacturing.

Set caps on your media spending to make sure you don’t get blown out of the water to soon. Now, I make sure we don’t spend more then a few hundred dollars a day in media so we don’t receive too many orders. If you want a spending cap get it stipulated in the insertion order. A daily cap in spending can give you the cushion you need in order to slowly bleed growth into your business model instead getting to big to fast.

Finally make sure you have the personnel on hand to deal with the all the new orders. It’s better to have one to many people in your fulfillment house then not enough.

grant k2007-12-12T19:30:12Z

Rent a billboard with your ad.

As your last hope send one of those emails that say something like this.

Complete these simple instructions to see your crushes

1. Go to this page [your website link]
2. Email this to 10 Friends
3. Press buttons "f1,f2,p,e,r" at the same time

Your crushes will appear on the screen

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