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Do internet service providers tell parents when you watch pirn?

Hi, I have version and I was wondering if they would snitch and tell my parents all my history. I have stopped looking it up for a week or so, but I’m worried. I also know that they clear it every 90 days. Idk what to do lmk your thoughts. This hasn’t happened to anyone I know so is this true?


@? I believe that’s not true or many people would know about that 

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    No.  The ISP won't give information unless asked for it with a court order.  But if the account owner asked for date to date logs they'll probably give them up.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    If you want to be a little bit more anonymous maybe try a VPN if you want, 

    But know an ISP normally won't give search history unless specifically asked for by an account owner or law enforcement, (btw porns not illegal as long as the actors are 18 years of age or older if you/the watcher is 17 or younger (or younger than whatever the age of consent is) tho it may be unethical it's not illegal at least not in the united states)

  • 3 weeks ago

    Pretty sure parents or guardians have a channel devoted solely to whatever their child is viewing.  Maybe even grandparents and aunts and uncles have access to it too.  Whatever you see, they see it LIVE as you see it.  If you're viewing porn then there's a good chance your mom and dad are right there watching it with you, or Uncle Joe, or Aunt Gertie, or meemaw and peepaw.  That goes for everyone.... and to be honest, it's pretty goddamn annoying.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    Yes, they do, my parents once caught me doing that. They didn't pay for anythign extra and we have virizion too. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    unless your parents pay them for such a service, the answer is no. no ISP does this, because they cannot see who is viewing what, and it is not illegal to view porn.

  • 3 weeks ago

    EVERY site you visit is stored on the internet provider's servers for easy access by parents and the FBI.

    And your parents will be arrested if the FBI finds that porn

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    No.  If ISPs started tattling on people looking at porn or other questionable websites, they would lose so much business they would shut down and probably get sued a lot.  They are in the business of providing internet service, not making a judgment about what customers look at or telling anyone else what someone looks at.  Of all the ISPs I've ever had, with me being the paying customer but they have no idea who's using it, never once have any of them ever alerted the paying customer, ie. me, to the viewing of porn on my service.

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