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  • Am I bi or hormones or ocd?

    Hey everyone, I wanted to get some closure before we get shut down.  So ever since puberty hit me I’ve been having these weird gay intrusive thoughts. So it all started when  my friends and i we’re watching ... and i say somthing gay. I kinda liked it, and thought nothing of it. Then about 2 weeks later my ocd kicked in and I’ve been crazy for a long time now. After that I started testing myself and stuff. I even used to look at my friends sometimes, ofc they were covered tho. Idk somthing about being with another person arouses me. My hormones have been raging, and I think their starting to die down. I don’t really like gay stuff anymore, and it just dosent arouse me in the real world. I picture myself with a hot af women. I am for sure that I need to quit watching... because i perfer that over my imigination. I just hate these thoughts. When I see a good looking guy tbh I don’t really know how to act, and I don’t think anything sexual or romantic I just think “ wow he’s handsome” and sometimes get butterflies, but I don’t have a crush in the guy or anything like that. It’s just smt weird that happens to me. When I see a girl I like I think sexually and romantic, but don’t get butterflies instead my mind races on how I can get to be with her. What do you guys think.  I can’t see myself with a dude! And yes I am diagnosed with OCD and ADHD, not trying to make stuff up. 

    1 AnswerMental Health9 hours ago
  • Am I in a bi curious phase?

    Please read all my other posts for more detail, but I just rembered in 7th grade( last year) I got butterflies everyone I saw this one guy. I don’t wanna marry a dude or have seggs with a dude, heck I don’t even like gay pirn. I want to be with a girl, and I have ocd (medically diagnosed) and once these bad thoughts come into my head I obsess over them. Do teens go through a big curious phase? Cause my hormones are killing me 

  • Do teens go through bi curious phases ?

    Hi, I’m a 14 year old boy, and I’ve always been straight and liked bobs. Recently tho , when I was like 13.5, I started to get the uncontrollable gay thoughts. I don’t like these thoughts at all, in fact I despise them. But when I am horny they arouse me , sometimes. I just want to be straight and have a wedding, and I constantly check myself wich makes it worse. Is it normal to go through this phase, and when will it be over?! I also get this anxious felling when I see a nude dude, and it’s not butterflies. I get a different felling when I see girls, and my mind races. I just want to know if this is normal 

  • do hormones cause bi curious phases ?

    Hi, so Im 14 and Ive always been straight, and liked girls. Im quitting pirn, in the making, and when I see myself in the future I see myself with a girl and kids not a man. When I watch gay stuff I don't rly enjoy it its just meh, and same with normal pirn but it feels a little better. Is this normal for teens to wonder what it would be like with another man. I wish I quit pirn a long time ago, and Ive developed ocd and im constantly checking myself, and Im worried. I really don't want to be gay and I dont see myself with a dude. But, nudes do get me excited. I prefer females, but sometimes I look at guys to test myself, and that ,makes me keep looking to see, and then more of these thoughts come to mind. I think tbh im doing this to myself. When I fill my head with these images I won't stop thinking abt them. My hormones are Raging and I have a big crush on a girl in my class, and never on a dude. Ig im just curious about what it would be like, and I would never do it. Is this normal? sorry for the rant. But I should try to stop testing myself first right, and then quit?

  • Robinhood help?

    Can somone please help me contact robinhood. It’s been 4 weeks and I have not been approved yet, and I don’t want my ssn and stuff sitting their. Can I create a new acocunt? Idk what to do lmk 

    2 AnswersInvesting1 month ago