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do hormones cause bi curious phases ?

Hi, so Im 14 and Ive always been straight, and liked girls. Im quitting pirn, in the making, and when I see myself in the future I see myself with a girl and kids not a man. When I watch gay stuff I don't rly enjoy it its just meh, and same with normal pirn but it feels a little better. Is this normal for teens to wonder what it would be like with another man. I wish I quit pirn a long time ago, and Ive developed ocd and im constantly checking myself, and Im worried. I really don't want to be gay and I dont see myself with a dude. But, nudes do get me excited. I prefer females, but sometimes I look at guys to test myself, and that ,makes me keep looking to see, and then more of these thoughts come to mind. I think tbh im doing this to myself. When I fill my head with these images I won't stop thinking abt them. My hormones are Raging and I have a big crush on a girl in my class, and never on a dude. Ig im just curious about what it would be like, and I would never do it. Is this normal? sorry for the rant. But I should try to stop testing myself first right, and then quit?


I just read this, but for a girl

Not -all- teens do, but it is very common, especially with girls.

Many think that because they get turned on by other girls, they might be lesbian or bisexual.

But it doesn't work like that. Those are possibilities only if you can see yourself in a legitimate relationship with another girl.

It's a sexual AND emotional thing.

so maybe im not gay? 

Update 2:

not trying to be rude by I know Im not gay, so Im trying to stay away from porn with a dude for awhile. One other weird thing, don't read this and be like oh your bi or your gay just hear me out, theirs my best friend or one of them, and everytime im around him my mnouthwaters. IDFK why I don't like him sexually or romanticlly and I think it may be false attraction. I just don't like guys sexually or romantically and I feel kinda sick picturing myself with a dude. and......

Update 3:

when im around a handsome dude my stomach get anxious, and I've felt butterflies, cause I get them for my crush, its totally different. Its like you ate too much and you feel sick that's what it is. I just want these gay thoughts gone so I can ask out my crush ,and live a happy straight life. I want my hormones to stop being an a*****e and get done with puberty

Update 4:

ik this is posted in the gay section, but in my mind women male segggggs must feel much better because that's what god intended, but theirs also a romantic aspect. And I feel I don't have that with dude old girls 

Update 5:

Thanks for your thoughts Craig, but I read online that some teens do go through a phase like this. But I do really appreciate your comment thx 

Update 6:

But like I want my own kid, and I wanna cuddle with my wife and cringe **** imma simp. I dint see myself with a guy, and I hope I end up with a women 

Update 7:

But the thing is I think their just intrusive thoughts, cause Ik their not real and it’s the same as thinking oh I should rob this store, cause I never would but it’s still a thought and a therapist told me that their intrusive thoughts and I’ll grow out of it sorry I just need to rant 

Update 8:

This may sound dumb but I don’t think o rly have these thoughts I think I think I do and then try to test myself. For instance I was just scrolling on TikTok and a guy with abs showed up and I didn’t think anything of it until I was like “ I don’t like men” I know I dint but I drive myself crazy sry 

Update 9:

Puberty and hormones have their goods and bads my mood goes ^^^^^ then down cause of these thoughts and when their gone I feel free, but I just wish I could get rid of my hormones 

Update 10:

I just did a little experimenting and I did not like the feeling at all. So ig I’m not gay after all

Update 11:

100% honest I don’t wanna fuq a dude only a girl, maybe I just notice guys changing and I’m not rly idk I just want my phase to be over cause Ik I’m not gay and I love women and their parts 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    The fluctuating hormone levels of puberty can be confusing.

    Hang in there, you'll be fine

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    No, hormones don't cause you to sexually react to a gender that you won't react to in any other phase of your life.

    I don't see why you're so curious about this.  It's as if you want to know in advance if your first child is going to be a boy or a girl.  It's THAT pointless.  Literally!

    You don't need to know what your sexuality is, and there IS no way you can find it out.  AND, if you COULD find it out, there's nothing you can use that information for - it's useless!

    What's going on is your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is causing you to return to this subject over and over and over.  You've become paranoid about not knowing for certain what your sexuality is, due to this.

    But here's the deal, bruv: No matter how many times you try to find some tiny clue or some bit of logic - or to run some experiment hoping for a useful observation (like you're trying to do with gay porn) NOTHING WILL COME OF IT.  That's because there's no way to know whether you like girls, boys, or both IS TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH to experience it.  Period.  That's the ONLY way to find out.

    So prepare yourself for the long haul, brother.  You'll just have to be patient.

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