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Why don't Republicans seem to know nothing about Transgender/Transsexual yet seem absolutely obsessed with the topic?

I've had the displeasure of living through eight Presidents including living through the AIDS crisis that Ronald Reagan ignored and I don't worry if the man in the next stall was formally a women or visa versa because that has no bearing on me.

Per the internationally recognized WPATH Standards of Care, nobody can get surgery until they are 18. Hormone replacement therapy can't start until 16. Puberty blockers can't start until at least 12. The whole process is regimented and medically monitored, but social conservatives want you to believe otherwise.

Studies have proven that those that went through HRT have the same ability as a natural born gender.

If you're fixated on 'the swinging' in the shower in front of the girls that speaks volumes more about you then it does Trans individuals and I think the FBI should be knocking on your door much like its currently busting in the door of Matt Gaetz.

I really wish you would all get your information from credible sources and shut off fake news, misinformation and blatant yellow journalism like Ben Shapiro, Blaire White, David Cullen and Steven Crowder.  Hopefully went Yahoo! Answers shut down on April 20th, you can all crawl out of your parents basements into the real world.

Updated 15 hours ago:

I don't normally reply however I notice you couldn't counter anything I wrote and instead stuck with an image a 4th grader could produce.

11 Answers

  • 2 hours ago

    They would say that the beliefs we have as what I might describe as liberals (I don't like that word because to me it has right-wing overtones) are not well-corroborated and are due to us ignoring our instinctive disgust, and that the discourse of the academic community is dominated by people whose world view is influenced by not having to work in the harsh environment of the free market.

    Not being American, I don't know that Reagan did ignore the AIDS pandemic but I suspect that in fact, as happened over here in England, he actually used it to push a homophobic agenda.

    Just on the trans issue, I've done research on this and there is a genuine problem, thus:  there is a contrast between typically female and male behaviour which is reflected in our use of language - think "linguistic manspreading" and mansplaining, as it were.  If you analyse texts produced by cis and trans women and compare them to texts produced by cis women and men, you find that even quite atypical cis women such as Andrea Dworkin and Germaine Greer use language in a typically female way whereas every trans woman whose writing I've ever analysed, and I did it using software, not based on my own prejudices, uses it in a typically male way.  This means we trans women are basically poison to the feminist movement, and our role is to shut up and put up.  It really is problematic to be trans for those around us, and it really does help perpetuate the patriarchy.  So yes, I really do care if the woman in the next stall, or in this case sitting between chair and keyboard, was assigned male at birth.  It is not just about performativity and we still have male privilege.  Not the concern of the religious right of course, but still deeply troubling.

  • Anonymous
    9 hours ago

    I wish kinder people were the only folks allowed to answer questions on here. I'm sorry you are getting hurtful responses.

    Truthfully, I don't know much about transgender/transsexual issues because I'm not exposed to these societal topics and generally don't need to know much about them to function in my daily life. I don't know anyone who is transgender or transsexual and likely won't for most of my life - that's the reality. 

    The percentage of transgender/transsexual people in our country is pretty low compared to how many people there are - and most tend to be attracted to urban areas. So you could imagine that someone who lives in a rural area may not know much about these topics and it's not because they don't want to or feel some type of negative way - but it's just not a part of our lives. Republicans may be in a lot of places (urban and rural), but a lot of them live in these rural areas. 

    What you see in the news and social media is not an accurate representation of most Republicans and I hope more people start to see that. I actually think the same is true for a lot of Democrats - there are many Democrats we see in the news and are prominent in social media that are not good representations of what a party truly believes. 

    I also don't personally feel obsessed with this topic, but it seems like you encounter a lot of Republicans who do. Everyone is different, that's all I can say. 

    Hopefully this helps, and I also hope you start to see a better side of humanity - it seems like you harbor a lot of anger in this area and towards Republicans. That's exactly what politicians and the news wants us to do - be divided.

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    They do get trans people.

    However, their party is bankrupt and has no real issues to campaign on.

    So they live on wedge issues alone.

    As yourself:

    Where would the republican party be without screaming about:




    Sharia Law

    LGBT rights

    So-called religious persecution.

    Without those issues to distract people, everyone would see them for who they are:

    The party of the rich and corporations who don't give a f*ck about regular folks.

    Republicans are a party of delusional liars serving the interests of the wealthy/corporations.

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    15 hours ago

    It's a wedge issue they are using to keep the public distracted from the real problems in this country such as the economy, health care, and unemployment. It's much easier to use these issues to divide people and turn them against each other than to work to fix these problems.

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  • Anonymous
    15 hours ago

    I've had friends who were Trans that killed themselves because of people like this.

    I reported all the misinformed Republican bigots for you.

  • 15 hours ago

    oh look.... another one that doesn't understand that the only legal standard for being transgender is individual "identification"...

    can you imagine the civil rights morass that would be created if governments applied your WPATH standards to legal code?

    so using a birth certificate to determine gender is "oppressive" but requiring a doctor's note and state-sanctioned psych evaluation is NOT?

    so a person MUST go through surgery and/or drug therapy to be sanctioned by the state?  so a person MUST meet some testosterone-level standard to determine where he/she can compete?

    do you not see how that makes YOU the "ultra conservative?"

    the simple fact is that you are the one confusing science and politics....

    under California's "transgender rights" bill the ONLY standard for determining gender is "identification."  THAT is what is being opposed by "social conservatives"...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    15 hours ago

    You seem miserable. Probably should’ve stopped writing at the “displeasure of living” part. Maybe you should seek help if you feel living has been so bad. 

  • Anonymous
    15 hours ago

    Yep ok but you ask the question so I guess I have to rant on my answer.

    You see we don't have a problem with transgender until you shove it down my throat and want to make known here we are.  JAZZ HANDS

    Second Transgender should not play in female sports.  I know it is hard for you to understand my next point.  Males already have an advantage .  They are build stronger, more endurance than the females. 

    Females just got into the professional sports. Which just got allowed to play.

    NOW you have a Biological man that classified as a woman.  Probably not that good at his peers.  But NOW he is state champ, best record, best all around. 


  • Anonymous
    15 hours ago

    You are the only one obsessed with Glenda was Glen, Uncle Annie, Manly Mandy and brother Gloria

  • Anonymous
    15 hours ago

    You're the one obsessed with things egghead. 

    You talk like a sheep who rejects everything non left wing.

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