Independents allowed in the election process?

Two part question:

Do you feel that there will ever be a day when independent candidates will actually be recognized on the national stage of Presidential campaigns?

What, in your perception, keeps independents from becoming viable candidates in major political races?

I'm asking because I haven't seen an independent candidate participate / be taken seriously in most major political debates, even though surveys show that most Americans tend to be political moderates rather than subscribing strictly to one political extreme or the other.

For the sake of full disclosure, I'm a Libertarian who happens to think that both Dems and the GOP have good elements in each of their respective political philosophies, but neither party has all of the answers, nor do I agree with ALL the espoused values of each party. To me, Dems are TOO liberal, but the GOP (especially lately) are too mean-spirited and malicious because of narrow-minded religious rhetoric.

What's your take?


Favorite Answer

I think that Ross Perot was the only one in the last 20yrs that actually had a shot as an independent to get elected. But he messed up when he dropped out of the race and then rejoined but still evaded the personal questions that were being thrown at him at the time. By doing this he set Independants back by many years.

The only way now that an independent will be able to get the support needed to break out of this 2 party mentality is if a major player in one of the 2 parties decides to go independent. Both Giulliani and Paul have been asked if they would run as independents if they don't get the Republican nomination, but I think it would take someone of Clinton's or McCains notariety or stature for an independent to make headway.


I believe one day a strong independent candidate will win the presidency.

I think as the weight of our debt paralyzes our government (in about 20 years or so), and then we realize how much of that spending was graft, greed, pork and earmarks, the independent movement will really take root.

People need to realize that both the Democrats and Republicans have their hands deep into the pork barrel. The idea that Republicans are more fiscally responsible is a lie. The idea that Democrats are more sympathetic to the average working family is a lie.

When those lies are exposed, because our debt and interest payments are so high, the government can no longer function, suddenly we'll realize both parties need a serious overhaul, and a legitimate independent candidate will emerge to win the election.