Any remedies for arthritis in the joints of two of my fingers?


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Anti-inflammatory supplements are a great natural way to help ease the pain from arthritis. Arthritis pain is caused from the inflammation of the joints and as the swollen joints rub together which is causing the discomfort. I would recommend Omega 3 (fish oil),Isotonix Resveratrol, and Isotonix OPC-3. Then other supplements like Isotonix Calcium Plus and/or Glucosamine are great for joint health. These are all great alternatives to pain meds. You can investigate for yourself if you would like at the link below. If you have any questions you may contact the customer manager who can give you in depth info on each product.


First you need to ensure it is Arthritis and not something else! Therefore I suggest you see a Rheumatologist find out what 'type' of Arthritis, over 100 different types each has a specific treatment. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, but they missed the diagnosis by ten years as it started with a single finger. The GP thought I must have 'knocked it'. Delay in diagnosing meant by the time it got serious it was too late for treatment, so at 49 not a dam thing anyone can do. That is why I hate seeing people first stating they have Arthritis and then looking for help without first getting it diagnosed. Finger joint pain can be lots of other medical problems beside Arthritis. Good Luck


Hey Robert,
Sorry for the delay in replying, but try getting your doctor to prescribe you some sort of anti-inflammatory and use the usual A535 Arthritis rub. This helps me with my osteoarthritis in my knee's. Good Luck


I take glucosamine (it is made from natural shellfish substances) and cod liver oil, and Devil's claw (15 drops in a glass of water). I notice a difference for the worse if I miss a day or two


You can try some topical herbal preparations which can be effective and easy to use.

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