Is it my imagination, or did everyone drop Harry Potter?

...the minute the author "Outed" Professor Dumbledore?
Or is everyone else just as disappointed with the ending as I am? It seems like suddenly no one is talking about poor Harry any more!


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This is the way of anything popular. It has a down season. No one cares about Dumbledore. It's just that the kids who first were introduced to it are growing up and have moved on to different readings like the popular "Twilight" books.

I teach 12 year olds and they aren't interested. A huge difference from years ago but that is because he's been around for awhile. The books are still entertaining. I did not like the ending or the last two books as much as the first ones but I understand J.K. Rowling getting burned out on it herself. Do you hear anything about "A Series of Unfortunate Events" anymore? Likely as not that too has gone the way of the "old" book. It will come around again.


You're disappointed with the ending? Why? I thought it was sweet. Speaking of which, who or what was the creepy squirmy thing after Harry 'died' and went to King's Cross/heaven...? Sorry, I'm asking a question in your question, but I'm answering your question too because it means I didn't drop Harry.


It's just that the initial chatter about the final book and Dumbledore has died down. All the big fans have read the book and posted their "What did you think of....?" questions already.

There are still a few popping up every now and then.


HA! i havent dropped it. harry potter is the best! its probably just cuz the series is over nd all.

yes. the ending was sucky. it completely ruined the book. but the rest of the book was good. =]

and to kris, the squirmy thing was the horcrux of voldemort in harry. voldy put it there when he attacked harry when he was a baby.


Hey speak for yourself I'm still talking about Harry Potter

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