Jamie Spears: rape victim or pathetic teen role model?

So little miss sweet-tart is preggo.

16-year old Jamie Lynn Spears (younger sister of Britney) stars in Nickelodeons’ “Zoey 101”.

According to Louisiana "Age of Consent Laws" (see link, below), this falls under the category of "Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile"..i.e, rape.

She met her sperm donor at church (nice!).
Anyone wanna bet that 19-year old Casey Aldridge won't stick around to play the role of pappa?

What kind of message does this send to America's youth?

I suppose Jamie was jealous of all the well-deserved criticism her no-talent older sister was getting for being a drunk, drugged-out, no-talent mom-from-hell redneck wreck.

Nickelodeon should drop Jamie like a hot potato if not on moral grounds then for legal reasons.

What’s your view on this – is it okay for little girls to get knocked up?
Or, should we just coddle the little darlin’ and say “tisk-tisk, what will be will be”?

I about choked when I read this on the news:
“Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her


Favorite Answer

Yes, she made a mistake and now she needs to accept responsibility for her actions and stop doing "Zoey 101" out of respect for herself. She is a bad role model for young impressionable girls. Acting is a privilege, she is paid well to act as well as abide by decency and moral obligations which are in every contract. She broke these clauses and should be fired A.S.A.P. Her babies father needs to be arrested and charged with a sex crime. and the bastered child needs to be put in a foster home so it will not turn out like the other children that this terrible mother raised.


It truly amazes me, all i'm seeing are questions about "is she really pregnant"? The truth of the matter is she is no diffrent from any other 16 year old girl out there who has gotten themselves in the same situation and became pregnant. So why the big deal now? This is not a shock or a suprise. This is a reality regardless of if she is a celebrity or not. End of the day she is a teenager. People are so very quick to judge without knowing the half of a person's situation. I dont see anyone calling her 19 year old boyfriend a "****".. or does the fact that hes 19 even make a difference to anyone? At least she's keeping her baby. If she said she was having an abortion, still no one would be satisfied and she would be criticized for that as well. Even role models make mistakes. Im not here to judge. Yes, she should have really waited until she was older, but im sure she will get through it all. She might even be a great mother, dispite her age, it is always possible. Just because her sister screwed up in the motherhood dept. does not mean she will or has to go the same route. Our world is nothing without positive folks. Stay Blessed..


Pathetic Teen Role Model!


Rape victim.

Legally she's not old enough for consentual sex.

That guy Casey Aldridge should be charged with rape of a minor. Why? Because he is an adult that is why. If he's also 16-yr old there will be no issue.

She should be removed from Nickelodeon. Probably not her fault she got pregnant, but she's not good as a role model anymore.


She is not a rape victim read her comments to the press. Also, when it comes to the age of consent do you really think she will say she had sex in Louisiana? If it was consensual then she wouldn't want him to go to prison so she could simply say that it was in many of the other states where age of consent is 16.

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