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Jamie Spears: rape victim or pathetic teen role model?

So little miss sweet-tart is preggo.

16-year old Jamie Lynn Spears (younger sister of Britney) stars in Nickelodeons’ “Zoey 101”.

According to Louisiana "Age of Consent Laws" (see link, below), this falls under the category of "Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile"..i.e, rape.

She met her sperm donor at church (nice!).

Anyone wanna bet that 19-year old Casey Aldridge won't stick around to play the role of pappa?

What kind of message does this send to America's youth?

I suppose Jamie was jealous of all the well-deserved criticism her no-talent older sister was getting for being a drunk, drugged-out, no-talent mom-from-hell redneck wreck.

Nickelodeon should drop Jamie like a hot potato if not on moral grounds then for legal reasons.

What’s your view on this – is it okay for little girls to get knocked up?

Or, should we just coddle the little darlin’ and say “tisk-tisk, what will be will be”?

I about choked when I read this on the news:

“Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wasn't at all surprised. I mean, look at her cracked out sister. Look at the mom, who doesn't give a damn, as long as she's still carrying a designer purse and wearing designer glasses and living in the mansion that her children paid for.

    They said months ago that the girl and her boyfriend were living together. What mother in her right mind is going to allow her 16 year old daughter to be living her her 19 year old ADULT boyfriend?

    I think the blame lays on the parents. Apparently, their dad is some low-life drunk, and the mom has always been the very worst of stage mothers, not caring about nothing except for her "babies" to be rich and famous, regardless of the cost.

    I personally feel sorry for this girl AND Britney. They never had regular parents to love them, just money hungry scum who pushed their children until they broke.

    When you worry more about things other than being a parent, this is what happens. It's VERY sad. I have to even more closely monitor what comes through my TV. It's sad that this was a "role model" for young girls (sort of like the whole Vanessa HUdgens of High School Musical taking naked photos of herself). It's a damn shame. I guess I'm going to have to buy DVDs of the stuff that I watched in the 80's to show to my children, since all of the people that are coming through Disney Channel and Nickelodeon are terrible influences.

  • 1 decade ago

    It truly amazes me, all i'm seeing are questions about "is she really pregnant"? The truth of the matter is she is no diffrent from any other 16 year old girl out there who has gotten themselves in the same situation and became pregnant. So why the big deal now? This is not a shock or a suprise. This is a reality regardless of if she is a celebrity or not. End of the day she is a teenager.

    People are so very quick to judge without knowing the half of a person's situation. I dont see anyone calling her 19 year old boyfriend a "****".. or does the fact that hes 19 even make a difference to anyone?

    At least she's keeping her baby. If she said she was having an abortion, still no one would be satisfied and she would be criticized for that as well.

    Even role models make mistakes. Im not here to judge. Yes, she should have really waited until she was older, but im sure she will get through it all. She might even be a great mother, dispite her age, it is always possible.

    Just because her sister screwed up in the motherhood dept. does not mean she will or has to go the same route. Our world is nothing without positive folks.

    Stay Blessed..

  • 1 decade ago

    I got pregnant at 14 had my baby at almost 15, so as far as teen pregnancy goes i hope she reaches out to other scared teen moms.I just pray she does not turn out like her sis.Now about the supposed baby daddy who i was with for almost 2 years was alittle older then me and was at a different time in his life than i was...needless to say, he split the scene when our son was just 9 months old and now i have no clue where he is. That said, age of consent in Louisiana is 16 (i believe) so if he is under 30 nothing can be done. I do pray for her though! No teen or woman should have to raise their kids alone!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what was going on with the young people in our lives today.I'm fifteen and i don't do any of those bad stuff.I thought Jamie Lynn was a good role model but i came to realize she is just like everybody else.I thought that she was different.At least she isn't as messed up as her sister Britney.She ruined her future and she ruined her life.I think that the teens my age are like so wild and they can't wait to grow up.I think that their parents didn't really care for her at all.Teen Celebrities like her are not a good influence to the little childrens especially Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus.I mean come on,I think Miley isn't a good role model at all and she thinks that she's a popstar and all.Vanessa,i thought she was innocent but then i came to hate her because she's fake and she's a *****.Disney and Nickelodeon shouldn't show celebrities like those on tv.Children shouldn't watch that show.

    Jamie would've been better if she didn't get pregnant. Teens today are like so wild and they don't know what they're doing.One day they will realize what they are doing.It's hard being teenager because they are cruel and most of them are just palin rude.Jamie lynn isn't pathetic,she's just not a good role model after all.I don't like celebrities like Vanessa Hudgens,Ashley Tisdale,Victoria Justice,Miley Cyrus,Selena Gomez,i think most of them are like.....i can't explain it though.Teenagers will grow up and learn the right and wrong and say that their parents are right and that they are wrong.Their parents only want what's best for them.I think that the celebrities' parent's don't see them as a child but they see them as a money making machine.They only wanted to get rich and push their son/daughter on becoming famous.They don't really much care about them at all.Celebrities just spend most of their money on the stuff that isn't important and they get broke.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The dude should be charged with statutory rape and should not be let of the hook. She should be taken off air because she is setting a horrible example for other teen girls. The whole spears family is trash and is held together with Britney's money which will run out in about 5 years so its back to the trailer park for them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think she has the oppatunity to be a very good role model, for starters she is keeping her baby, wanting to do it on her own. I think if she can raise her baby well, and not like her older sister that she could make things easier for other teen mothers who get lots of crap because they did the right thing in a bad situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya know what. ... she is a 16 year old kid that screwed up. She doesn't deserve the whole world breathing down her neck during this time in her life. And where did you read that she was pregnant anyway. I'd like to see that piece of information for myself. And please do not drag a word like "red neck" into this, that is ridiculous and it shows poorly on your character that aside from that seems to be in a good place.

    It is NOT ok for little girls to get pregnant. And we shouldn't take it lightly. But we should try to make sure that these girls get an education so they can take care of their babies and won't be a sponge of the government or their parents or anyone for that matter for the rest of their lives.

    Education is key. You remember that saying "Knowledge is power" well if we educate girls AND boys on how to get birth control and how to properly use it then maybe some of these girls (not all but some) will be spared. I've found that most people, especially teens, are not aware of the "age of consent law".

    Technically She is a victim of statutory rape but unless they get reported then nothing will happen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wtf i hope your joking?

    i hope that she would learn from her F'ed up sister but I'm guessing not i can't believe she is pregnant! it wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't Brits sister...i have nothing against the girls the are young and pregnant some end up being better parents then ppl who are older in life

    i agree Nickelodeon should drop her...nick is supposed be a network young kids can watch and be kids not see some one they look up to being knocked up by a guy they aren't even dating

    haha I'm sure she plans on raising the baby why doesn't she call old Brit to give her a hand..maybe they should just hand this baby over to Kevin too aleast they will be taken care of...i hope her mom is there alot more then she was w/ Brit...being the spot light def didn't help this family!!

    if that kid was smart he would stick around make himself look awesome and hell he f*cked Brits sister every guys 2nd best wet dream!! maybe he will end up w/ everything she has like Kev

    what is this world coming too! and i don't believe she was raped sorry you can't rape the willing! i can say I'm glad she met him at church and not being a back up dancer she bragged about sleeping w/ 8473 times a day after being a virgin eww

    Source(s): 20 year old girl
  • 1 decade ago

    I find it sad. I am 13, and I have always looked up to Jamie Lynn Spears, because I thought she was a good role model, and didn't take the path her sister took. It saddens me to know that she is not a virgin, and is pregnant. Some role model.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pathetic. Yet another pregnant teenager that's not ready to raise a baby. Terrific.

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