For The 35+ Crowd ONLY (multi part question)?

First, a couple of observations:

Since the late 70s, when I was in my single digits, it seems to me that society has gradually become much colder, more distant and ill-mannered while becoming less compassionate toward each other as time has passed.

Schools appear to teach more advanced classes, yet our society seems to be more and more "dumbed down" each day - especially if you are to believe the images that the media presents of Generation Y.

Finally, I need to add I'm not a fatalistic freak who focuses on the morbid. The glass is neither half full nor half's just half. With that said, my questions are:

Do you feel some specific event or series of events in the last 30 years set in motion changes that have made society more self involved and desensitized?

If so, what event(s) do you feel were behind the change?

Given our current state of affairs, where do you think the country will be in 10 years? 25? 50?


Favorite Answer

A really excellent question. I think the ever increasing exposure to violence on TV, in theater, in computer games coupled with deteriorating intelligence-based television shows like soap operas and so-called reality programs has worked to desentistize and stupify the general population. Add in increasing apathy caused by interest-based media reporting and piss-poor government connection with its citizens and you get what you see today. An aimless society.

Now for my qualifier, I too am not a fatsalistic freak, I see the cup as always full, part water water, part air. Poeple determine how much water their cup contains and how much air.

I see the American experiment in decline. I see American democracy weakened and eventually overpowered by something more socialist-leaning. The people will rise and demand better health-care, better schools, more choices, fair taxation. I see big business as the culprit for America's eventual fall. I'd like to see a renaissance of American intelligencia, more writing, painting, and other arts. Something like the 60's and 70's but without all the energy wasted on anti-war efforts. Something more peace based.

OK, thanks for asking such an important question, maybe you'll change the world?


I'll start off by saying I'm only 27, but I have a theory on all this. I work in job where I see high school and younger kids everyday and I have seen what you are talking about over the last several years. I think a lot of it has to do with parents who had kids in the late 80's and early 90's. These parents were incredibly unprepared to have children. They were selfish and materialistic and these traits got passed on to the kids. The problem is, the parents developed these traits as adults so they could deal with them to a certain extent. But the kids only knew selfishness and materialism. They only knew, or know today, how to think about themselves.
I don't know if there is one specific event that started this, but the 80's were often called the 'Me' generation. When people who only think for themselves have kids, they teach those kids, even indirectly, to think only for themselves.
There are certainly exceptions, but I think this is the reason for the colder, disrespectful attitude of young people.
As for the future, it's hard to even imagine 5 years from now. Everything moves so fast that people don't seem to have time to get used to today before having to deal with tomorrow.

Ryan H2007-12-18T20:16:36Z

I'd like to know if there's an answer to this too, I'm wondering the same thing. I can't think of anything on my own.