Did you ever support PETA? What changed your mind?

As a kid I was really interested in PETA until we had a bunch of shark attacks down here (Florida). PETA rented a bunch of billboard signs and put up pictures of sharks being tortured and sharks biting people, then theme of the campaign was that sharks were just fighting back for what we did to them. At 12 years old this mortified me and Ive been against them ever since.


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I respect PETA. Every organization has its whackos or whatever you would like to call them. But they are the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It includes people too because we are animals. (homo sapiens)

Sharks are curious and intelligent beings. They are predators. How else can they investigate? They bite. We as people should know this and stay away from them. We do that by educating ourselves as to when they are likely to be out. I hear this information everytime I go to the beach. Read a newspaper. Listen to the radio. Talk to people that know.
It's not difficult.

How is torturing an animal going to do any good? Those people have rocks in their head. There is no gray matter there.


Growing up I thought PETA must be great because it stood up for animals. As I started to learn about things they would do like preferring to euthanize animals rather than have them be "OWNED" by a loving home and all the other psycho things they do, I changed my mind.
I think the basic idea of PETA is a good one, I mean, animals need all advocates they can get but I don't think they are really advocates for animals in the sense that they have the animal's best interest in mind.


I use to until one of PETA's people started using violence to get theire point across . It was at a rally and some by stander was eating a burger when this girl started yelling about how the cow was tortured before being slaughtered . The guy just kept eating and ther girl got so mad at his disinterest she slapped the burger out of his hand and started a fight with him . PETA treated her like a hero . I was glad when she went to jail . After that I was totally against them .


When I read stories about animal abuse in the paper or see them on the news (We've had some really horrendous ones in Maine recently) I become much nastier than any PETA member on crack. In the cold light of reason, however, which I hope is my usual state--They go WAAAAAAY too far.


I think that animals should be treated with love and gentleness.

I believe in being ethical and moral in the treatment of all animals.

I don't really know a lot about PETA, so I plead ignorance. Wise men shouldn't speak of things that they know nothing about.

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