
Just wondering.........

I spent two years in Germany when I was younger. I love the taste of the beer -- okay, it does have to do with the fact that it "takes me back."

What beer do you prefer? If you prefer that from another country, have you found a brand that closely resembles it in your homeland?

The closest I have found to the Wiesenbier (don't slay me because I did that wrong....) in the US is Warstiener.


Insurance & Registration:

Oh, I know I'll never get the ambiance and experience unless I go back. Since posting this ??, my children have asked me why I'm so "into" German. I told them because it's my heritage and I lived there for two years....

I lived in Stuttgart. They had their own version of the Oktoberfest.... Ahhhh, the good old days.... Gotta love a country that's known for the beer and wurst!


Oops... got your name wrong.... meant Insuranceman! :o)


Favorite Answer

1554 - New Belgium Brewery but it's a DARK lager.

You need to look around - I have seen some Weisenbiers in the States - but you will NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER ( Do I make my self CLEAR about this??!??!?) You will NEVER find beers in the States that compare to drinking it IN Germany! Poured properly into a Weitsenbier glass.......Ich lieber!!

Where did you live? I lived in Munich for about 3 years and had friends come from all over Europe to stay at my house and go to Oktoberfest!! My favorite over there was probably Paulaner Alt Munchner Dunkel! We used to keep it out on the balcony (unitl it got real cold and froze!)

Good luck and I hope this helps!


Some years back, I was privileged to taste an ounce or two of Orval's "La Petite", the house beer. It is not supposed to leave the abbey. I have been trying to create a clone of it for years. No success but it's fun drinking my mistakes. I'm also trying to match a friend's hefeweisen and playing around with bock recipes to come up with the one that matches my tastes. I'm closing in on it.


I like the Sam Adams family of beers the best. I also like Red Hook ESB and Sweetwater 420.

And on a hot day, try a Terrapin Rye Ale. Yum.


The only thing close to beer and my country is Guinness and thats not even beer its ale! And I dont even like it well ive never tried it but come to Ireland and try it apperently its no good anywhere else


I rather enjoy Heineken, Corona, and Foster's.

But I'm always up for drinking any kind of brand - well, except for a select few.

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